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What makes me different?

Belief vs Knowing

Most people walk around believing this or that. They believe something a little and somethings a lot. It makes no difference to God. It only matters to your own reality and nothing whatsoever more.

Belief is a lie you were taught as a child and all throughout your life. It's a lie. It's a trap. It isn't real. Close your eyes really tight and believe as hard as you can. Open your eyes and your reality hasn't changed. That's belief. Doubt, fear, superstition, those are all part of belief no matter how strong it is.

Knowing is creation itself. Knowing is definite. To know is to shape the reality around you.

The line that separates believing from knowing is the line that separates you from obtaining what you truly desire. If you know you are worthy then you are worthy. If you believe you are worthy, you are not.

So what makes me different? I walk knowing, not believing. God is within me, this I don't believe, this I know for an absolute fact. What I know becomes reality. That's what makes me different.

FvckY0u 8 Aug 11
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I was with you right up to the last paragraph

The major source of fear and ignorance in the world is a belief in gods (internal or external)
I have rejected that concept as both unproven and unnecessary.

Your assertion of a god within certainly makes you different (from me), but it also makes you gullible given the evidence available for you to base claimed knowledge upon.

I deliberately don't use the word God, I use god, for exactly the reasons you suggest. I do not use god as a proper noun, since I do not believe in god(s), I use god as a simple noun, indicative of a general concept rather than a definite article. After all there have been literally thousands of alleged gods in the history of man, all of them defined very differently from one another. All very different from the genocidal psychopath, my family and school terrified me with as an infant.
This is why I identify as an atheist, by choice and necessity, rather than as a learned or taught title, I neither believe in, or know of, the existence of any of them, simply because of a lack of evidence.

How do you "Know"? What is your evidence?
I would be interested to understand on what you base the claim.

Okay now I understand, there is no point discussing this further with you

I repeat I understand, there is no point discussing this further with you😅😘

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