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LINK 9 Things That Are Hard for Me as an Introvert

Interesting article. At various points, I fit into each of the listed categories; that shy, overthinker that wouldn’t step out of my comfort zone. As I’ve matured, I’ve challenged myself in ways that I never would before; joined a public speaking club (Toastmasters), and gave speeches to sometimes large audiences. However, I can’t seem to get past overthinking. In fact, at times I consider it a ‘strength’ as I attempt to analyze every possibility available in various circumstances. It gets exhausting

GoodMan 7 Aug 9
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I have a hard time with the first one as well. Like, I care about friends and family, it's just, I don't need to know what they're doing all the time. I feel like I'm telling and listening to the same 3 stories over and over because life doesn't really change much. Now, if people actually talked about things and ideas instead of other people, I might be more interested.

Kynlei Level 8 Aug 10, 2020

Only 9? 🙂

Thank you so much for posting that. Being an introvert is generally exhausting.

In my career as a sales rep, I had to make presentations to CEO's, Marketing Directors, etc... and had no problem doing so. But I freaked out like crazy over the speech I had to make at my son's wedding last year. I rehearsed and rehearsed, and when I read it the morning of the wedding, I decided it sounded too much like a Ted Talk. This speaks to your comment about overthinking. So I scrapped the speech and winged it at the wedding. Surprisingly, it turned out much better than the original speech.

You're welcome!
I used to rehearse a lot also; however, it was when I started being assigned as the evaluator that helped me truly progress as a speaker. I'm sure you had plenty of talking points to choose from, famous quotes, and stories to tell. Match some of those items with good organization (catch intro, good transitions, and memorable conclusion, and there it is...I bet your speech was awesome 🙂

@GoodMan Well I got some "awwww's" and some laughs, and that was my goal! Thank you.


I was a introvert , and challenged myself to overcome it. Still am but much better

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 9, 2020

They all apply to me except the loneliness part. I'm on my own for a good chunk of my free time but I've never felt lonely.

HannaYou Level 6 Aug 9, 2020

Very close to me.

NHjulie Level 8 Aug 9, 2020
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