13 10

Small talk with me! All this talk about small talk makes me want small talk with y'all and laugh about it. I'll start: Boy, it's gonna be another scorcher here today, 105 is what the weatherman said.

jujuofthesea 7 July 3
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Oh, my goodness, you sound like me! ? I cannot stand talking for the sake of talking.

@buckeyemama That look you make when you’re stuck in the grocery check out line and the excitable extravert in front of you needs to chit chat and is scanning around for a hapless victim … ???


Hello there ??

Que pasa?


Time out for a little discussion: would you say the worst part about small talk is that both parties are just making obvious statements about mundane subjects, nothing profound, nothing earth shattering, just shooting the breeze and passing time? I once was in a carpool with 2 other people and they just had a great old time small talking to each other about how blue the sky was and how windy it got in the spring. I was in the back seat bored out of my mind and wanted to scream “Would you people change the subject and talk about something more stimulating already?” ?

Well, at least they didn't talk about sports. 😉

But, yeah, I think the point to small talk is for people to make a connection with another human being. It's mundane because no one wants to risk being too personal, or of offending. A lot of men my grandfather's age would have frozen up if someone started telling them something emotional, but how their sports team did the night before was pretty harmless.

@Lauren 🙂 Yes, I agree about the sports. I would have hurled from the back seat if they brought up football or baseball as if those are the universal languages of bonding. LOL. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not unfriendly, not anti-social and not anti-talking, it’s just that as an introvert, I realize interactions mean energy expenditure and energy is not free. So if I’m going engage in a conversation, I want it to be meaningful, to be worthwhile of the energy spent, hence the subject matter has to be interesting (is that too demanding?) 🙂

Nope, @jujuofthesea, I think that's a pretty reasonable request. 🙂

If looked at in reverse, perhaps all those small-talkers just don't know how to converse meaningfully, and they're as stymied by conversation as we are by small talk.


We've settled in to regular summer warm here in South Eastern MI. It's OK as long as you get good breaks from it.

marmot84 Level 7 July 3, 2018


DeeWoman Level 7 July 3, 2018

Oh my, you look like you lost weight. Are you on a diet?


Good golly, that's gonna be a hot one! I bet you could fry an egg on the sidewalk. Oddly enough, I think it's been hotter in Michigan where my parents live than here in South Carolina. Those thunderstorms help it to cool off sometimes. Boy howdy!

dkp93 Level 8 July 3, 2018

“Your hair always looks great. What hair products do you use?”

SukiSue Level 8 July 3, 2018

They actually make some beauty products from semen.

@zorialoki ew!

@SukiSue It only makes me curious about how they collect that much semen.

@zorialoki I'm sure there is no shortage of donators!!!!


How bout them Cubs?

Vickylyn Level 6 July 3, 2018

They grew up and ate the neighbors


How is your favorite sporting team performing this year?

Amusing question as I really don't like ball sports. The closest thing to a favorite football team to me is whomever stomps the shit out of Dallas and makes Cowboy fans cry.

@zorialoki I don’t usually watch sports either.


Talking small is boring though. We are made of stardust, let’s act like it.

Joshua-218 Level 2 July 3, 2018

Aren't you all sparkly today


Oh, you're telling me, I must've sprayed 5 gallons of Round Up last month, didn't do squat.


Well it doesn't really matter because we will all be dead soon and life has no meaning 😟

Rudy1962 Level 9 July 3, 2018

@AmiSue I always screw that up

@daylily that it will

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