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For my Introvert friends!! When I get home from some type of get together with family ,friends, work or whatever, I find myself doing what I call a performance review. Did I say or do anything stupid. Did I say the wrong thing to the wrong person, you get my meaning. Is that just me? Or am I not alone?

myownmind 7 July 10
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I do this often. Not all the time, but often.

Bliss32 Level 3 July 18, 2018

I actually don’t care what anyone thinks of me...

I find myself going back and forth between not caring and over thinking. But I understand that is only because in addition to being and introvert, I also have social anxiety.


I torture myself with this shit. I always go into depression afterwards. Always feel misunderstood, outside of everything. Sometimes I remember an epiphany I had, when I went to check out a street mural in my neighborhood and it helps me to feel better. They were painting this beautiful mural in the intersection. It was a big circle of blue, with many black crows spiraling out from the center to the outside of the circle. The painters were friendly and asked me to join in for some photos. Of course I politely declined. They were standing inside the circle. I was outside.Just like it always is. I looked at the painted crows outside of that circle and realized that I am them, they are me. Crows are great observers, often misunderstood. But they are a very integral part of nature. It occurred to me that we outsiders serve an important role. With our perspective from outside the circle, we can see things that those inside cannot. We can be of service to them. Whether they appreciate it or not doesn’t matter. We have a purpose. ✌???

DeeWoman Level 7 July 11, 2018

Sorry for being an old man repeating himself, but this view is perfect for two quotations held dear. "And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music." F. Neitzche And, DaVinci's categorization of people in three classes: "those who see, who see when they are shown and those who do not see."

Vision transends eye function as it also does in out-of-circle perspectives. It also accounts for my personal understanding of beauty. The greater part of any person's beauty isn't perceivable by the eyes alone.

I think the expression about 'suffering for beauty' might also apply to the process of acquiring the ability to see it. Kindness is beautiful too. One of it's many forms shows in recriminations about even the possibility that our well intended words might have been distorted; causing hurt or offense because of another person's lack of perceptual clarity.


Used to do it 24x7. 🙂

Heraclitus Level 8 July 10, 2018

I am the same way

HeraTera Level 7 July 10, 2018

I don’t do that


Self evaluation is a regular thing for me.
Did I say something wrong? Did they misunderstand what I meant? What should I have said or done different? Did anyone notice how uncomfortable I was? Do they all think I'm a freak? Why is chit chat more popular than talking about science or arts? Do I make people that uncomfortable because I don't have much to say about the weather?
My struggle might be worse than normal... :/

Me too ?


As the saying goes, 'been there did that'. It's worse if I had a few drinks, but I don't drink anymore.

But your name....

@DeeWoman It's for a character in a cartoon series, 'Rick and Morty'.

@PickledRick well, I never heard of it. I don't drink either, sobriety is important to me and when I saw your handle I assumed you were a drunk, as most would! 🙂

@DeeWoman It's on The Cartoon Network's, 'Adult Swim' segment, mostly a guy

@PickledRick oh, I don't have pay for it tv.

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