7 4

Loneliness is really bad for your health.


Hermit 7 July 16
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However, being lonely and being alone are two very different things. ?


I am not lonely when I am alone...


I should be dead by now then.... ?

IamNobody Level 8 July 16, 2018

I am not only an introvert, I am also a misanthrope. I don't get lonely, I get relaxed and stress free.
Stress is really bad for your health.


Yes!...I have a conflict about socializing more just so I can be physically healthier--but statistics indicate that it would work

Berkeley Level 5 July 16, 2018

They differentiate: “ As the comedian Robin Williams put it in the film World's Greatest Dad:

I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up all alone. It's not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel all alone.”

NJSnarky Level 6 July 16, 2018

"Alone" can be handled. "Loneliness" not so. I wonder whether having an AI robot "friend" can psychologically be a valid substitute for a blood and bones "friend?" This is not even close to being a suggestion - it's just a question whose answer may make a difference to some.

mkeaman Level 7 July 16, 2018

It looks as if robots are going to help with practical issues, ( but whether they can become real substitutes for human contact whether physical or on line remains to be seen. In my experience, simply being able to chat to like-minded people on line alleviates loneliness considerably, but I think at least occasional physical human contact is essential for well-being.


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