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I am a social introvert. I'll go out, but only if invited and its with people I know and trust. But, ironically, I am a mobile wedding dj. So I think I qualify more as socially confused.

Magician 5 July 30
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That makes sense. I found that I like🍸 to go out more if I was able to predict the activities of the night. And perhaps your profession allows you that? Or at least socializing in an environment that is slightly controlled b/c of your profession?


I think that makes perfect sense. When you're in you're element, it's easier to be a little more outgoing. I'm like that at work, but I am exhausted at the end of the day.

Darla_Ann Level 5 Aug 6, 2018

Its very hard for me to open up to new people. I've very bad eye contact. I do feel comfortable only in the company of very good friends. Very little things make me nervous. Introvert in a nutshell.


25 years of retail management. I talk to people all day long. And then when I get home, I don't want to see or speak to or deal with ANYONE.

Although I'm not so much an introvert as an extrovert that hates people. 😉

Ozman Level 7 July 31, 2018

I am the same way. I hate going places alone, but unfortunalty my friends are married and never want to go do anything. I used to DJ weddings too. When people ask, I say I am an extrovert/introvert. I love to have a good time, and see others have a good time. But I too need to be with at least one person that I trust and feel comfortable with.

Except for the DJing part, I could have written that post.


the situation changes when you're working professionally. it was same with as a newspaper reporter

TheDoubter Level 9 July 30, 2018
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