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I often feel envious of extraverts. They seem to get farther in life. They seem to have a lot of friends. Being timid is a condition I wish I could get rid of. But I can't. I just do the best I can. Does anyone else ever feel this way?

SKH78 8 Aug 27
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I'm comfortable socially, but I know I'm an introvert because I'm better one-on-one, in small groups or with quieter activities, and I do need downtime to regroup. Sometimes I do envy people with more energy who are able to more easily jump into social situations, but I know if I did that it would make me crazy. I have some extrovert friends who appreciate my introvert nature, thankfully they understand if I need quieter activities or more downtime.

bleurowz Level 8 Sep 3, 2018

I was like that in my 20s.... I have always had fun with my friends from college challenging them to find a picture of me at any party. They can't because it doesn't exist. I did miss a lot of good stuff in college because I was bottled up inside myself.... Then a freaking miracle happen that helped me jump out of that mind set....I discovered beer !!! I know, I was lucky to find something so simple to snap out of it. It worked for me and always will be thankful for it

IamNobody Level 8 Aug 28, 2018

I don't think being timid is necessarily an introvert trait. Just like we aren't all shy. However I am timid, always have been. Doing something new, going someplace new, meeting new people, all these things are excruciating. I suffer from depression and anxiety, before these got really bad I was able to push through. Now, such things are nearly impossible.

Booklover Level 7 Aug 28, 2018

I struggle with timidity. Also deal with moderate depression and anxiety, meds help with that. Keep on toughing it out. Tomorrow will be better.

@dan325 thanks

@SKH78 thank you


I'd much rather be an introvert, for the most part. I just wish our society wasn't so introvert exclusive.

Same here. Introverts do not always get treated very well.


I’m shy but Definitely Not Timid !

bubaj50 Level 7 Aug 27, 2018

Oh yes. Quite often actually.


Yes! It sometimes feels like a disability, especially in the working world where corporations are run and geared towards extroverts. I try to love and accept that part of me, but if I was given a choice on being an introvert or an extrovert, I think life would be easier in many ways if I were an extrovert.

ErikaG Level 5 Aug 27, 2018

i'm okay one on one or in a small group. otherwise i'm timid.

TheDoubter Level 9 Aug 27, 2018
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