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Quick recap: I went through a divorce starting just about a year ago, and moved to Harbor Beach, Michigan in April- from The Valley of the Sun, Az. HUGE change. One thing is, it's really giving me a chance to explore in introvertedness, etc. It has it's ups & downs. I live in a building in the center of town- my lifelong dream- old building in a downtown area- live upstairs, work downstairs. It's a good thing, too. My building is a HUGE focus of the town- if you find an old postcard of the stores/the main street, darn good chance it's my building. So iI do have social interactions- sometimes whether I like it or not. I shudder to think if I had waffled and bought a house- I would have never interacted, probably.

Anywhoo. about a month ago an online local friend I never met (I have LOTS of OLFINM's) posted the schedule of the American Legion for the upcoming week. It included euchre. I went. anxiety while there, and for hours afterwards.
On reflection, I realized- at the age of 52- that was the very first time I did anything social, not related to work or school that I went into "blind" or "cold"- going there alone and not knowing anyone.
At first I thought it/I was weird. But I'm not sure. I look forward to hearing from fellow introverts...

MikaB 5 Nov 28
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Thanks for the input! Yes, I did go 3 weeks in row- I didn't go this past week because I'm not very experienced driving in treacherous weather that they were expecting.
The anxiety is still there, but it did subside from one week to the next. And I went to the American Legion about 20 miles north of my town, so nobody knew me- whereas, the one in town, some folks would know me.

MikaB Level 5 Nov 29, 2018

I try to commit myself to social things that I feel totally uncomfortable with. I end up dreading those events for days in advance. Then I go and actually enjoy them. Maybe we have to face our anxieties to overcome them. I am glad you went

HeraTera Level 7 Nov 28, 2018

I go to meetups ( a lot. There, you realize that introverts and extroverts alike feel equally uncomfortable walking into a group of people they don't know! I have always felt welcomed into groups quickly, probably because of the nature of these types of groups. They are open to 'everyone' and everyone knows exactly how hard it is to walk into that first meeting where you don't know anybody, so everyone is super welcoming.

It has helped me overcome a lot of my social anxiety, I've made some nice friends, and have reasons to get out of the house! I even started my own meetup for my son because he was jealous that I had a social life and he didn't. Now he has two best friends from the experience (he has aspergers) and it has been life changing for him.

Hihi Level 6 Nov 28, 2018

@F-IM-Forty I went to a divorce support group last Sunday that I had been eyeing for several months. I've been divorced for three years but it's open to all to share stories and advice, and I had certainly been through the wringer myself. I'm so glad I went! Omg it was great conversations (well, I mean some people are going through hell...) but a lot of laughter and support and we ended up staying 2 and a half hours because we got so caught up in the conversations.

Turns out, people aren't so bad. Especially when they aren't trying to impress each other and open up their vulnerabilities - that creates a stronger bond. I tend to veer towards conversational meetups with a goal and purpose rather than meet and greets cause those suck for me.


I would have had anxiety as well. But I don't know much about the American Legion. Do you have to be a veteran to participate in events there? That would have been a major stumbling block for me, the "am I allowed?" question.

It IS hard to go to something where you don't know anyone else. An activity or common interest makes it easier to make conversation with people. Having low expectations also helps. You can't be disappointed if you don't wish for anything in particular. When I DO go to new events where I don't know anyone, I try to develop a series of questions that facilitate communication (and that take the focus OFF of me, which reduces anxiety). I don't feel quite so anxious if I have a way to have some control over what happens.

There are several key questions: Would you go again? It will be easier the second, and subsequent, times. Will your anxiety be less? You will have some familiarity with the people who are likely to be there. But the most important factor is, did you have FUN? If you did, then that is what matters. (and there's online euchre for the days when the lake effect snow keeps you inside)

citronella Level 7 Nov 28, 2018
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