4 7

I am INTP. (Introverted, INtuitive, Thinking, Perceiving)
One of the characteristics is that I am not well equipped to meet the emotional needs of others.
Wow. That explains a lot.

Shelton 8 Dec 7
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A half year ago, for a few months, I got heavily into MBTI. On the same test, I once got INTP, another time INTJ. Three different tests said ISTP, which is what the co-worker who got me interested in all this typed me to be. These three types, along with the ISTJ, are all very closely related. I can definitely relate to being poorly equipped to meet the emotional needs of others. I've had to work on smiling more, showing appreciation of and affection for others, and being more positive in general. All of those things seem to come more naturally when I'm taking good care of myself with eating, sleeping, exercise, and time-management. And it feels virtually impossible when I'm highly stressed, feeling low on energy, and less positive about myself.

Rossy92 Level 8 Dec 16, 2018

Hmm. I'm INTP as well, but I don't feel like that at all. If anything, I spend too much time trying to fulfill the emotional needs of others, to my own detriment.

But that may be a learned trait, in an effort to "get along".

NoBullshit Level 4 Dec 16, 2018

Well then we are first cousins in this. When I was employed in sales I tested as an INTP. Now that I'm retired, I'm an INTJ. I've taken the test several times since I retired and it always comes out the same. But the bottom line is neither type is easy to get along with. And we're also pretty tough on ourselves.


One can always work on their emotional intelligence.

Or intelligence in general 🙂

@TheoryNumber3 Of course. I was referring to the statement "not well equipped to meet the emotional needs of others." Building one's emotional intelligence will broaden one's awareness of the self and others. Social awareness and empathy are components of EQ and with these skills we are better equipped to meet the emotional needs of others.

@F-IM-Forty A high prevalence of felons with a high EQ makes sense.

@F-IM-Forty I try to do that every day. And we are all a work in progress... till we die.

@Wildflower I have no problem with meeting others' emotional needs. It's the emotionally needy I have trouble with.

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