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Do you ever wonder what people are talking about?

For an introvert, I spend a lot of time in a highly social setting.... a dance hall. I like the people there, but I'm really there to dance, not to talk. With the exception of a few people I wisecrack with, I try to limit my conversation to "Hi How are ya" or "Lovely weather we're having"... then I'll move on. I am not big on having a conversation in a noisy environment over loud music, so I try to be polite and hopefully amusing, and choose comments that don't evoke a lengthy answer. Occasionally I'll introduce two people who don't know each other and I'm always fascinated to find them locked in conversation like old friends for quite some time... and I'm wondering WTH they're talking about. They just met. I just don't get it. What do strangers find to talk about that's so fascinating?

TheoryNumber3 8 Apr 25
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People definitely like to feel as though they have things in common with others, so for some people, staring a conversation about something random can open the door for a sense of community. Even if it's just for 10 or 30 mins. People want a sense of normalcy.. at least that's what it seems like to me. We all encounter different things.

BrittanyL Level 2 Apr 28, 2019

Same here but usually small talk

bobwjr Level 10 Apr 25, 2019

I've have the exact same kind of thoughts. I'm actually sitting (by myself) in a coffee shop right now and am amazed as I'm watching people have conversations here. It's something I've always struggled with and is a skill that I wish I could improve on.

jennywv Level 3 Apr 25, 2019

Agree wholeheartedly!

I can understand that with friends, but strangers who never met before... that's the one I don't get. They don't know each other, they'll most likely never see each other again.... what could they possibly have in common ?


I'm an extrovert. I talk to everyone about everything.

Yep... you're like my friend

@TheoryNumber3 It's kind of fun being an Australian in a notoriously reserved country like the UK. I can get away with striking up random conversations whenever I want, because the locals just write it off as "Oh, he's an Aussie, they're weird that way." No, I'm just weird full stop.

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