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As an introvert, I have gotten unfairly labeled .... stand offish, unfriendly, aloof, unsocial .... people don't understand that I am choosy. They don't comprehend that I get overstimulated and I need to rest and re-charge my batteries. I really dislike getting these unfair labels. Anyone else feel this way?

SKH78 8 July 6
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Too many times to count.

Kynlei Level 8 July 14, 2019

Yes indeed!


So called friends are too quick to be snippy....find a cooking partner....someone who feels meal planning is the most rewarding theatre/edible art studio....someone who enjoys tossing instant treats to cats....someone who stirs with wood spoons or chopsticks and drums empty cans musically....find a fun partner who enjoys the moment not the mouthy chatting distance of "friends"


It is strange how so many of us have been called stuck up. I was too.It is as though they think we must have mysterious depths that we are not prepared to communicate to them. Most of the time though, I didn't have a clue what they were chattering about, so I couldn't have joined in.

CeliaVL Level 7 July 6, 2019

During my first year of Highschool, a girl I’d known in Jr high remarked on how stuck up I was. I was scared to death of talking to people - girls in particular.

Haemish1 Level 8 July 6, 2019

When I was a teen , my folks rented a cabin , at a state park for two weeks . New folks moved into the next cabin on the weekend , in the middle of our stay . We had been out , but I later met the girl in the next cabin , who told me she thought I was stuck up , when she first saw me earlier . She had seen me walk from our car , to our cabin , when there was no one else outside . Once we met , she changed her mind and we became friends . But I still have no idea why she had decided I was stuck up.

Cast1es Level 9 July 6, 2019

I tend to avoid eye contact too....for introverts it's just easier. I think people mistakenly see that as a sign that you find them unworthy of your attention.


Well I understand all that, but I think might be hard for people to understand "I'm choosy" as an explanation for your not being friendly towards them. I try to be friendly and at the same time keep my contact and my conversations to a minimum. .


Yep. I try hard to stay away from those folks!

MojoDave Level 9 July 6, 2019

Same here. I think only from shallow people though. And to be fair, there's a lot of them. Anyone interesting, or interested, would find out what you're like before passing any kind of judgement. I've had some really strange interactions with people that highlight their prejudice, and they can't even see it. I find the comments from acquaintances and strangers tend to be more of a reflection of themselves.


Me too. I must have alone/quiet time to recharge. I’m not a good person otherwise. I’ve always been a misfit, redheaded black sheep, square a teen, I was called stuck up. Later, reclusive. I try to warn folks, but not many believe me.
I can appear gregarious at a gathering, then I’m ready to decompress. Alone. Lol.


Yup, I get that all the time.

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