9 17

I just had to share this one. Does this sound like you? Cause it definitely is me!

TheoryNumber3 8 May 26
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Yes, I'd have to say , in general that's me. A lot of the time I don't join in because a0I'm just not interested, b0 my opinions tend to be controversial at times (and as such are taken as "negative" ). When I'm home. It's my turf and I let go!

Lazarus Level 3 May 29, 2018

Me for sure


I am a country line dance fan, and I dance in a place with very loud music and a high activity level. There are always people there who want to have a CONVERSATION over the music and the noise. I can't do it. Trying to talk louder than the music hurts my throat and I can't hear what they're saying anyway. I'm not there to talk. I'm there to dance. So shut up and dance, as the song goes.

@TampaHeathen I do know some sign language, but I don't believe they're on the ASL chart 🙂


That is me period. With people or alone does not matter to me any.


Yes and yes

jab60 Level 6 May 26, 2018

Yeah, I can relate to that.

orbiquity Level 2 May 26, 2018

Ha ha ha! I think it applies to a lot of people. I will speak out if something offends me though.

Alanb5 Level 4 May 26, 2018

I can identify with that! ??

tony6149 Level 5 May 26, 2018

That looks familiar!

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