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I've been fascinated with Dali since visiting an exhibit several years back, a one-time trip to Sydney, Australia, in the old Customs Building by the dock. This, I love:

tinkercreek 8 July 8
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Yes, Dali was fantastic. Recently, Ai Weiwei is producing great work.

EdEarl Level 8 July 9, 2020

Dali is an interesting artist. I went to one of his exhibitions, they were playing a "movie" that he created - so bizarre.
There was also a drawing of his penis with a love note he did and sent to a lady he was interested on. Lol
I'm sure he was a character to be around.

Zoohome Level 8 July 8, 2020

Me too! I love that playful, imaginative stuff. For the same reason I'm a big fan of Gaudi's architecture.

Come to think of it, I wonder if you would like some of the work that came out 40-50 years ago known as the Pattern and Decorative movement. Last year the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles put on a retrospective of that work much which of which had that whimsical quality and was a lot of fun to see. I believe they'll be traveling it but I don't know to which cities. (Of course, until this plague is over, it is a moot point.) If you click on a photo at this site, it will be made bigger and you can you can click right to move through them if you like.


I got to meet many of the artists (one of them has made an amazing garden in L.A. which I hope to visit as soon as that becomes possible) as my wife was one of them, even though she isn't primarily known as having been part of that movement. But they did choose a piece she made in the 80's that fit well. This is it with one of her former grad students who is now a successful working artist (and her taller friend). My wife of course is the one longest in tooth.

MarkWD Level 7 July 8, 2020

Thank you, Mark!I love pattern, design, architectural detail, and will check Portland Art Museum site schedule. Viewing these brought back how I miss PAM, as well as other museums and venues to get my 'art fix"!

@tinkercreek I hear you and miss them too. I enjoy galleries and museums too. We've visited some in Portland as well.

A friend in Bolinas was to have a showing of her water color paintings at a venue near Bolinas where she has an amazing garden which I've been visiting off and on for many years. But of course it had to wait due to COVID.

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