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My passion fruit vine is beautifully blooming and again the catterpillars are feasting on it. But I happily found a few fruits. 😍
@glennlab check it out.

Zoohome 8 July 17
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Those are doing really well, I was sure that that variety would fruit for you in Florida, in Austin it's going to be a little more iffy. Nice crop of frits, too.

glennlab Level 10 July 17, 2020

Yeah, the butterflies are all over. And those little guys are feasting on the flower right now. I don't think we need to trim this vine at all if the little guys will keep scarfing down the vine, might as well be the ones controlling the growth. Lol
Once I stabilise myself in Austin, I'll work on a spot for my passionfruit vine.
I did see a rental with the vine growing over the back fence tho. So there is hope.


Oh my, do you get edible fruit on your passion vine? If so I am officially green with envy. Had a fruit smoothy in Hawaii in which the store owner added one of these. Best thing I ever tasted .. at least until another time we were at a dinner for a group of faculty in Honolulu at which the host opened a jar of home made passion fruit preserves. That officially is the best thing ever. Nice looking flower too.

MarkWD Level 7 July 17, 2020

It is a young vine. I have spotted 3 fruits so far. (Its in the pictures). Dark and thick skin as of right now.
I wonder which variety you tried over there.
In Brazil we used to have mainly 2 - a nice shiny round yellow fruit and a wrinkled up dark yellow one. Both tasty, but different. The wrinkled one we could sliced in half and scoop the pulp out with a spoon eating right there. 😄


Inspiring! I saw masses or gulf fritillaries last summer, despite having zero passion vines, so there must be some somewhere in the area; I just haven't seen them. I am pretty sure my mounds of profusion zinnias were attracting the adults.. But wanting to be a responsible friend to pollinators, I rooted a couple cuttings of passion vine I found locally. Andt glennlab kindly sent me three of his cuttings, two of which took. So hopefully I will get some good cross pollination going. I don't have a trellis for them. I have limited sunny spot options, so I planted them to scramble over my overgrown crape myrtle that I don't care for. Between the Peggy Martin rambler rose in the spring and passion vines all summer, I am hoping that tree gets mostly hidden in vines.

Great idea. I love Peggy Martin rambler Rose.
What color crepe myrtle do you have?
Yeah, I have way too many sunny spots here. I planted my passion vine to grow over my well shed. You can see the flowers from far away.

@Zoohome crape myrtle....the most common, dark dusty pink. The tree was over 25 ft tall when I bought my house two years ago, and it largely blocked my front yard from morning sun for an extra three hours each morning, cutting me back from 7 to just 4 hours. Since my back yard is largely shaded all summer by 5 mature water oaks, my north-facing front yard is my only option for my roses, whi of course need sun. 20 feet due west of my driveway to the west of my property, is a beautiful, but large Live oak in my neighbor's yard. From 2pm to just before 4pm that oak tree's shaddow sweeps across my front yard. It is a tually perfect for giving the garden some relief in the dog days sweltering afternoons. But that means I need all the morning sun I could get for those roses, not to mention the veggies i sqweezed in, too. Did I mention, the crape myrtle barely bloomed at all, and those measely blooms were all at the top of the canapy, out of sight. I noticed most of the crape myrtles on my street have exactly the same problem i am not sure if it is inadequate sun, or soil chemistry or just what.

Add to that the fact the crape myrtles, though ubiquitous to the South, are not native to the region or even this hemisphere, so they are not supportining the right kinds of caterpillars that birds need to feed their babies. I would do much better with a native redbud or dogwood or maybe an American mulberry. That would be my best option. But difficult to completely remove the stump.

....So anyway, I did what we are never supposed to do. Rather than the daunting or prohibitively expensive task of removing the whole tree, I crape murdered it. Yep. Chopped it back to an 8 ft vase-shaped, 4-trunked stump. Decided to use it as scaffolding for climbers. Of course it sprouted in the spring like a chia pet on steroids. But the sunlight situation is now much improved.

@Zoohome []
This photo is from late winter, a year after the crape murder, looking past a soon to be boysenberry patch. So that is the attrocity--I mean, scaffolding I want the vines to cover. 😏


I see you are in Austin, TX. I have not been able to get Passion Flowers to grow here in DFW area. I initially thought it was our heat, but perhaps it is my very clay soil that bakes hard in the summer. Any suggedtions on what might help should I try again?

RussRAB Level 8 July 17, 2020

I am in Austin area, but this is in my north Florida property.
@glennlab - he is in Dallas and he grows them over there.

Russ, I'm just down the road, I've got passion vine and dragon fruit if you'd like to pick some up message me.

@glennlab - Thanks, that is a generous offer. I might take you up on it, but I'm concerned about my growing conditions. Did you need to amend your soil a lot? Or do you not have this heavey clay that turns near cement-llike in the summer? I had bought Passion Vines before but I couldn't keeo them alive. I need to have some good ideas about what I need to change before trying again. If you have some suggestions, I would like to try again. Thanks.

@RussRAB Once they are established, they will do fine. When I planted mine 20 years ago, I dug a hole about a foot square and 8 inches deep, I put compost in the hole and kept it watered for the first month(August) then light watering until the first frost. That was the last time I ever water or did anthing but cut them back.

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