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My passion in the garden is for ferns, or pteridophytes. Which for those who don't know them, are an old group of early land plants, which do not flower or set seed but reproduce by sporing. However despite the lack of flowers, the range of foliage is vast, here are just some from my collection.

  1. Ophioglossum or Adders Tongue.
  2. The soft shield fern.
  3. One of the Polypodies, Polypodium, a creeping form.
  4. And the same with the frost on it.
  5. The Royal Fern, has distinct sporing bodies not as usual on the back of the frond, but on the ends.
  6. A little spreading form, the soft gray Beech Fern.
  7. new fronds in spring.
  8. Athyrium otophorum 'Okanum' from japan, coloured foliage, with the Pen-Of -The-Sea, Blechnum, a creeping evergreen from sea cliffs around it.
Fernapple 9 Oct 25
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Ferns do not do well here in Oklahoma with our clay soil and the wind blowing across the prairie.
I love how lush and lacey they look. Thank you for sharing.

Lorajay Level 9 Nov 1, 2020

Oh! Now I am inspired to get good pics of my own ferns, which I believe to total some 12-13 species! Actually, that will be a nice photo-log to have.


Beautiful collection!


Beautiful pics.....I love all the wild ferns that grow everywhere on this property.

Lavergne Level 8 Oct 25, 2020

Great photos.


Love them & love your beautiful collection. I am always impressed where you can find them growing (which is everywhere). This was one on my hike through the Grayson Highlands Park yesterday. It was like it was growing right hout of the rock.

Heidi68 Level 8 Oct 25, 2020

They are special to the tough places where nothing that flowers will grow, the shade, the rock etc.


Maidenhair fern is very popular in gardens here. 50 klms north of Sydney NSW on the coast it used to grow prolifically in my garden under the gum trees. Down here (W.Victoria) the extreme heat and drought necessitates daily watering.

FrayedBear Level 9 Oct 25, 2020

Most of the Maidenhairs like moist soil, except Adiantum venustum, which is more of an alpine.

@Fernapple lol, I'm anything but Alpine - near to a dessert (Big) to the north and to the south (Little) but in the wheat belt.


Photo seven looks like furry babies ☺

Yes, it is a type sometimes called Golden Scaled Fern, you can see why.


My Mom had ferns in her gardens ,and I have a wooded lot that have several areas bedded in ferns ,

Besalbub Level 8 Oct 25, 2020

That's lucky. Do you know what species they are ?

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