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My butterfly feeder.
You wouldn't know it, but it is busy with 3 butterflies. When I approached, they all closed their wings and leafed up

Leafhead 8 July 3
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Two summers in a row my ex sil had an excess of watermelons. When I saw how the butterflies covered them in the compost heaps I started bringing entire melons out and just smashing them on the ground under a tree. The butterflies came by the hundreds. When we went outside they would fly up from the ground and settle on the trees. The trees were covered in them. It was really amazing.
And I could never get a good picture of them because they were in the trees.

freeofgod Level 8 July 3, 2018

Butterfly gardening Gallagher style!
Now that's a first!!
I will have to try watermelon in my feeder, though the little guys may have to flip me for it (I love watermelon!)


My parents had acres of apple trees . When the apples fell in the driveway and were run over by cars , the apple mash attracted butterflies , as well as wasps and ants .

Cast1es Level 9 July 3, 2018

Apples are another good choice for feeders


I never heard of a butterfly feeder before. It's highly effective from the looks of it. I can spot one of the three on the right.

And check this Emperor out!

I never had such raging success as with this year. Maybe because I put it out back with the bulk of the food source.
Right now there are Red Admirals fighting over it!
But can I get near?? No. Lol


You're the butterfly whisperer.


That's a cool re-use idea.

Will butterflies also feed on the banana peels on the ground?

Around here, Angle wings like Eastern Commas, Question Marks, Red Spotted Purples Red Admirals, to name a few.
To attract a "stag party", find some mud and put it in a similar setup and keep it moist to wet. Males will utilize salts in the mud for pheromone production.
Swallowtails in particular will visit mud pits.

@Leafhead Where or where can I put a mud pit?

I'd seen this happen before but had never given it a second thought.

A rut+mud+sunny to partly sunny location.
Slightly alkaline clay or mud works best

Yes, butterflies will feed off bananas and fruit on the ground, but a pedestal looks better

@Leafhead They are drawn to manure as well.

@Leafhead At least they don't ask for much!

Some "weirdos" do like scat, urine and sweat, along with a few other gross things.
Baltimore on scat

@Leafhead You can also put sand in a shallow pan and water it. Sand works well because if you don't over water it they can land on it and drink the water from it.


That's very cool. Did you make it?

Someone threw it out because it is chipped and won't hold water.


What do you feed them?

Very ripe bananas. I am surrounded by Hackberry, Elm and Nettles, with a bit of Hops, so
I got results in <an hour!

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