7 10

HI all. I live in an apartment that has a small balcony and surrounded by large trees. The best sun is in the winter, and here in the summer, it receives sun for maybe a couple of hours in the afternoon, I'm growing coleus, butterfly begonia, sweet potato vines, rosemary (straggly but smelly), basil (also straggly but smelly) and vincas. There's a jasmine that blooms beautifully in the spring thanks to the winter sun. Tried to grow cukes last year but only 2 appeared. I'm so envious of those with sun. I wish they'd remove the roof over the balcony! Any recommendations?

westvir 4 July 9
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I like the vertical garden someone suggested. Hanging baskets might also be a good option.
Depending on what you'd like to grow an Aerogarden or other small hydroponic garden with a grow light might work. I have an Aerogarden that I've grown a few different types of flowers (snapdragons, marigolds, etc), small veggies (tomatoes and peppers), and herbs (usually basil) in in the past - I enjoy having it around the most in Winter when everything outside is dormant.

sc62 Level 5 July 10, 2018

I never thought about that. Very interesting. I'm in Houston with the zillion mosquitos. How did you deal with them in your summer? We have them most of the year.

@westvir I keep my Aerogarden in the kitchen, it's fairly small, so I just keep on the counter. I didn't have to deal with mosquitos, because it was inside. I guess that would definitely be a problem outdoors though. Hadn't thought of it. Sorry my answer isn't more helpful. 😀




Probably I should just move where the balcony isn't with a roof.

westvir Level 4 July 9, 2018

You might consider a verticel garden against your wall .

Cast1es Level 9 July 9, 2018

Move to another apartment or get a garden plot if they have community garden plots where you live.

Surfpirate Level 9 July 9, 2018

Great advice from craftsmith. It you are rerally serious, you could get a grow light and install it in one corner of your balcony. You are already ahead because there is a roof.Put a timer on your grow light and follow the instructions for your plants. Good luck!

Spinliesel Level 9 July 9, 2018

I would Google shade plants for your agricultural zone. Your extension office probably has a list. Then pick the plants that make you happy!

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