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We've eaten all the tomato based salads and dishes we can tolerate for awhile. Gave some to neighbors too. So, today I checked the picked 'mater basket and decided it was time to render or tomorrow pitch in the trash. Here's some pics of the initial process we use:

bigpawbullets 9 July 22
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Is the wine for the recipe or the cook?

"Medicine" for the achy old cook.


Run them thru the blender and make tomato juice. Add a variety of flavors; basil, salt, sugar . Also cumin, salt and lemon zest. Tomato juice mixes wonderfully with gin . Also can be frozen in freezer bags and used as the basis for soup.

Spinliesel Level 9 July 22, 2018

If you were to drop tomatoes off at the hotel, they wouldn't go to waste... It's right down the road... I got precisely nothing planted this year 😟

Minta79 Level 7 July 22, 2018

I just did a double take and I noticed that you didn't cut off the top. They peel a lot easier if you chop the top off or core it out with the tomatoes that aren't Romas.

Surfpirate Level 9 July 22, 2018

I cut them after blanching as I peel them.

Next batch I do I'm going to try your method on the larger ones. That makes sense now that I think about it. Thanks for the tip!

@bigpawbullets De nada y mucho gusto.

Gracias amigo!

@bigpawbullets Try knocking of the tops and bottoms plus a couple of lengthwise scorings with the paring knife before you put them in the boil water, the skin should be almost falling off before you ladle them out with a strainer.


Looks like the same way I do them, cut off the cap, blanche, chill and peel - then cook and can. or freeze.

Surfpirate Level 9 July 22, 2018

Yep. Not rocket science here.
They're simmering down on the stove right now.

@bigpawbullets Depends how many you are doing, little steps that save time and effort are rewarded with less lower back pain at the end of the task. I think I only have around 30 tomato plants this year and most of them are heirloom cherries that my wife puts in everything and a few variegated heirloom Romas that I will mostly turn into pasta sauce so I don't have to eat that red muck they sell at the store. If they are Romas it saves even more effort to nip off the bottom and the top, especially if you have a few bushel baskets to do. 👍

Makes sense. I've got a lot of "kind of Roma" tomatoes. They're paste type, elongated. But they do require a peeling rather than the very efficent "Roma Squirt". I also have a large number of a variety that grows in grape-like clusters, but are twice or 3 times the size of cherry tomatoes. You can just pinch the tops and the entire inside ball plops out. No cutting required. I empathize with the "lower back pain" comment. That's my excuse for that bottle of Cuvee.

@bigpawbullets just remember not to mix the low acid tomatoes with the high acid tomatoes if you are canning, it's a surefire way to make yourself sick.

@Surfpirate , I didn't know that.

I didn't know that about canning. We don't can. All our harvested produce is either frozen or dryed.

@bigpawbullets I like dried, I am reconstituting tomatoes from two years ago and turning them into chili and tomato juice, they taste great. Canning is good but you really have to be careful with your sterilizing technique, if you screw up you can make yourself very sick.

We hike a lot. Dried stuff in our own gorp mixes.


Pretty 'maters.

freeofgod Level 8 July 22, 2018

@kenriley , LOL. Only in tomatos!

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