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This is not about growing but I thought you would like it. Many books on garden history say that, people in the middle ages and before, did not value views and landscape, even in gardens; but I do not think that human nature changes that much with time. These are not proof, but they are photos I took from the gardens of the Alhambra, Granada, Spain. This is what the sultans chose to see from the upper garden terraces.

Fernapple 9 Nov 16
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If I'm not mistaken Japan & China were doing landscaped gardens way before that.

MojoDave Level 9 Nov 17, 2018

That's quite right, the idea seems only to be about western culture, yet you would think that those who pedal it would give at least half a thought to Asian culture. And the idea usually pulled out to go with it, that people in the middle ages were affraid of the wild and nature, is just mad, when you think that most poor people worked with nothing but nature, and the main pursuit of the rich was hunting.


Yeah I don’t think I would buy that either. People don’t change that much

Donto101 Level 7 Nov 16, 2018

I love going castle hopping , touring Medieval castles . While originally , they were military outposts , with defense as their major concern , eventually , they were also administrative headquarters , and eventually homes for the aristocrates , appointed by the kings , to control the population for him . Yes , they did eventually develop fantastic gardens , at first to feed the population concentration in the castle , but eventually expanding to provide pleasant views . areas for taking care of business and for courting , and for entertainment , such as where picnics , jousting , balads, concerts , duels , mazes , water fountains .and other entertainments took place . In Austria , there's the Water Palace, which includes multiple diaoramas along a winding path , which are animated by water powered devices .

Cast1es Level 9 Nov 16, 2018

Yes the gardens, at the Alhambra are some of the earliest in Europe, they are part of the palace complex, (There are seven palaces if you include the summer house and the palace of Charles the 5th, which was never used.) All have both gardens of several early periods, and three of the buildings have very early enclosed patio or courtyard gardens. The castle you can see is the Red Fort which was the main defensive part.

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