10 14

Look what I have found!!!!
I also got a Field Guide to Mushrooms couple days ago...
This one is Bearded Tooth- Hericium erinaceus

Zoohome 8 Nov 26
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That's huge! Guten Apetite!


Wow! Lions Mane! Great find! I know about them but still have not found one myself in the wild. So exciting! How did it taste?

I have not tried. Planning on cooking it today.
I did dehydrate some of the honey mushrooms and they turned delicious

@Zoohome You are way ahead of me when it come to tasting them even though I had a proper ? for sure. Also I can Copland love eating mushrooms but cooking each different variety I imagine would require a different recipe or way of cooking? Maybe? I saw so many honey mushrooms this season and didn't pick any. They were the ringless species "Armillaria tabescens" most I saw at my job so I wouldn't pick them anyways.


New to me

Livinlife Level 9 Nov 26, 2018

Mushrooms are amazing. This time of year when the trees are going dormant and dropping their leaves mushrooms are sprouting everywhere.

JackPedigo Level 9 Nov 26, 2018

Please elaborate. New to me.

WarmFluffy Level 7 Nov 26, 2018

Google lions mane. It is a brain food. Seems to have great qualities for medicinal purposes PLUS a great taste. I havent tried yet. Probably tomorrow and I will dehydrate the rest


My kid getting used to the feeling.
Almost 3lbs.
@flower_nut @shouldbefishing @Glennlab @leafhead

Zoohome Level 8 Nov 26, 2018

@Shouldbefishing it's super fuzzy. It most likely will have a sour taste since its older, but I'll HAVE to try anyway. Lol
I tried getting him to hold it, but he was a little aprehensive.

You might want to start a journal if you haven't already. Keep as your records on the hunt. That could be very important information some day.

@Shouldbefishing it says its brain regeneration.
Grounded up
I wonder how I could do it.... lots of research. I'll let you know. ?

IT is really big.


Wow! You're on the ball with your mushrooms now. It looks moist and furry!

flower_nut Level 7 Nov 26, 2018

And heavy!!! I'll place on the scale.
And yes I am. I found more ringless honey mushrooms. Brought a bunch home. Tomorrow will be in the 30s, so I "saved" them. ?

You can start a business and sell mushrooms to 5-star hotels. People hunt for mushrooms here on protected crown land designated by the government and sell them.
Before long you will know where all the good spots are. Some come back in the same spot year after year. I haven't found a good spot yet but still looking. Happy hunting!


That is huge and beautiful

glennlab Level 10 Nov 26, 2018

It is very pretty. Hard not to damage when handling due to its size


Wow that’s a pretty cool mushroom. And huge

Donto101 Level 7 Nov 26, 2018

Huge for sure. ?


Looks just like what we call Lion's Mane here in WI

Leafhead Level 8 Nov 26, 2018

It definitely does look like. Have you eaten?

I have not tried, but have seen at the Farmers Markets many times

@Leafhead it looks like supplement ks made out of it. I have to research more about it

Lions Mane in TN as well. Daughter says it's the best! I've never been so lucky.

It is supposed to be good for the memory by regenerating brain cells.
Also excellent for the immune system

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