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These were all taken this year in the first two weeks of June.
Which one is your favourite?
Cinnamon Fern, Lady slipper, unknown flower, Iris, Allium, Columbine, Second Iris, My Monet, Thrift, and Coral Bells.

flower_nut 7 Dec 30
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This time of year I am glad to see any of them.

I'm a flower_nut and love flowers especially this time of year. If I had a soul I could say a garden lights me up! Without a soul, flowers fill my heart with warmth on the darkest of days.
Flowers show their beauty and some even turn into what we're made of producing something wonderful we can eat.
In some ways I think of myself as a flower always blooming shining my colours to anyone who wants to look me. I'm shy though...and have a weird protection mechanism when threatened.???
Aren't we all just flowers trying to show our beauty in this world?


2nd iris. But all nice.

Thank you. The second iris is planted beside a patch of yellow iris similar to the purple ones. The purple iris smells nice and the yellow ones don't smell at all. They both have the same growth habit but the purple spreads faster.


Cinammon fern is so pretty!!! The lady slipers are some of my favorites, but the colors captured on the allium is so vivid

Zoohome Level 8 Dec 30, 2018

The fern's 'cinnamon stick' is still green. Given some time it will turn to the colour of cinnamon. The allium was captured on a wet day and looks vivid all the time. I love the colour and the seed head looks cool after it blooms.


I remember seeing a Lady Slipper , in the woods when I was small , and was told it's an endangered plant and we weren't allowed to either pick it or dig it up . Have they reached a point now where they can reproduce and make them commercially available ?

Cast1es Level 9 Dec 30, 2018

I know the pink ones in Nova Scotia are endangered and are not available for sale anywhere. The yellow ones I'm not sure about? My sister in law had a house with a huge patch of yellow lady slippers growing in her lawn. Our yellow one was sent by mail from a friend across the country. I've heard people trying to transplant the pink one into their garden with no success. The pink ones grow wild a couple hundred feet from my garden in the woods.


They are all great, but the last two, Thrift and Coral Bells, catch my attention the most. Lady Slipper wins for most clever name.

The thrift is most popular. The coral bells are 'Bressingham Hybrids' and the most vibrant of any coral bells we have. These tiny flowers stand out from a long distance.
The yellow lady slipper came from a friend in Saskatchewan. We have the pink ones here which are protected. A bunch grow behind our place. Don't pick them or try to transplant them, you'll kill them.


How can you like just one? They are all beautiful. I can imagine how pretty the garden looks in the spring. I love them all!!

I know! That's my problem. I'm trying to come up with a top 10 perennial list. With everyone's feedback and my experience, I'll design a new garden to plant in the future. It will have to be somewhere in Nova Scotia though.

@flower_nut I am going to have to plan a trip to Nova Scotia sometime in the near future. I've already been up to Golden, B.C. where my relatives live, and I loved it!!! I'm thinking Canada may be in my future.....

I like our climate in Nova Scotia for gardening. BC has a better climate but Nova Scotia comes pretty darn close. Southern Ontario has a slightly warmer zone also. Nova Scotia's real estate is cheaper if that is a factor for you but we also have the highest tax rate of all the Canadian provinces.
A bunch of old farts like retiring in Nova Scotia because of its beauty. 🙂


I like them all, but the Thrift really caught my attention

Livinlife Level 9 Dec 30, 2018

The flower head is the size of a golf ball. I think it's called Drumstick Thrift.

@flower_nut its beautiful. What needs does it have? Sun or shade


Second Iris

WarmFluffy Level 7 Dec 30, 2018

The second iris grows to a foot tall and the rhizomes spread quickly. It needs to be rained in every few years.

@flower_nut how do you rain in? Is that digging them up and separating the bulbs to replant. Excited here a favorite aunt sent a late holiday present, bulbs. I plan to sprout them in old mason jars on a window sill to transplant later.

The rhizome has a root the needs to be completely covered with soil. The rhizome of the iris should be exposed to light and not covered in soil. When planting any plants they will do much better with a fresh flow from top to bottom. The jar won't let this flow happen but may sustain it until you can plant outside. I'd use a black flower pot with holes in the bottom, or anything with holes in the bottom.
'Raining in' is when the iris patch has gotten too thick and large. The second iris in my photos has a vigorous growth habit where rhizome starts growing on top of a rhizome. This iris is very easy to thin out and transplants well.
Good luck with your plants.

@flower_nut I'm not sure what kind of bulbs they are try, but it's good to know.

You're welcome. Any bulb will rot if its feet are kept wet.


Thrift and Cinnamon fern second. Thrift is a native here and I have seen it growing on the cliff tops of Cornwall at Lizard Point , which is nearly as far west as you can get on the mainland.

Fernapple Level 9 Dec 30, 2018

Thrift has unique foliage that looks awesome in a rock garden.



This photo of My Monet® weigela is one of my favourites. Gold flame spirea is in the background and it lights up the photo.

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