3 7

I think you will like this one if only because he is such a keen young man.

Fernapple 9 Jan 4
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I love currants - red, white and black. Can't have too many of them. Blackcurrent is my favourite jam, and i won a prize at our local gala for my raspberry and redcurrant! Blackcurrant makes a particularly delicious icecream, too. I never got round to pruning mine and they grew enormous, but fortunately I had enough space.

CeliaVL Level 7 Jan 7, 2019

I like It! Of course, the point is not to critique the merits of currents specifically. They are just one example of many that are options for propagation.

I have propagated countless roses from cuttings over the years. Just this autumn I started a couple hydrangea that are now potted up and putting out new growth. If you can do that with ornamental, why not fruits and veggies?

I really want to plant a satsuma citrus tree in my side yard. They can be pricey. But they propagate from cuttings. So now I need to befriend someone with a local tree. That would tell me the variety is cold-hardy enough for our local climate.

Composting is another critical key to keeping cost down. You recycle yard waste, reduce the need for purchased fertilizer, and ultimately create soil an d soil amendments for producing crops.

Yes, the problem with cuttings is that so many people who are new to gardening get sucked in by commercial hype, then they buy propagators and other equipment from garden centres, often then failing and giving up. So they never get to understand, that for woody plants at least, growing cuttings indoors in propagators etc. is actually the hardest way to do it, while hardwood cuttings outside are almost problem free for most plants. Just stick it in the ground and wait.

@Fernapple Depending on the plant variety, yes. Climate makes a huge difference, though. My climate is much hotter than yours, for example, and I have therefore had much better luck with indoor rooting in north-facing windows. The sun here dries out cuttings and kills them.

Still, point well-taken about wasting money on expensive systems. I get bombarded with ads for these silly things all the time.

@Fernapple I've got willow trees in my garden that weren't even deliberately planted - just nice straight sticks stuck in the ground for support.


Currents are great but they require a lot of pruning and they can be a bother to pick and process. A friend has several plants and, of course, I was the one she would call to pick and prune (until I started saying no). It is a great fruit, though and I have made juices and preserves from it.

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