6 10

We spend so much time bringing beauty to our lives then we spend all of our time maintaining that beauty. Mother Nature does it all on her own bit we mow that beauty down so we can have the perfect 'yard'.
1 & 2 are growing in the weeds along my driveway
3 & 4 are growing in the weeds in a field just down from my house
5, 6 & 7 (same plant) at the edge of the woods behind my barn.

Heidi68 8 May 23
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Livinlife Level 9 May 24, 2019

Love the wild roses .

Cast1es Level 9 May 24, 2019

I would be wanting to get the rose where I could see it better! What is the blue flower? I have never seen it before!

Hathacat Level 9 May 23, 2019

I am thinking about asking my neighbor if I could maybe dig up a little part of it [the rose].
That is just at the edge of the woods at the back of my pasture - it is really tiny probably smaller than a thumb nail.

I had seen the blue flower in a Texas wildflower book but couldn't remember its name. This link has a bit of info about it.

@Heidi68 If you have rooting compound then you just need a snip.

@RussRAB Commelina Erecta interesting name!

@RussRAB Mom used to call the blue ones , " Wondering Jew ," It's a great ground cover , grows about a foot high , fills in the space quickly , self planting ,prennial , has a lot of pretty blue flowers , and requires minimal care .


Indeed...dicot (colorfully flowering) weeds are stunning.

Did you know that most of them went through a "co-evolution" with the wasps, flies, bees, and even, in some cases butterflies, moths, and birds? Each of those is selected by a particular species of insect!


Robecology Level 9 May 23, 2019

I agree, a lot of the "undesirable" stuff is pretty.


3 & 4 look like a rose left to grow, same with the irises.

glennlab Level 10 May 23, 2019

I think 3 & 4 are some sort of rose but the little blue flower is actually about the size of a thumb nail so not an iris. Picture 5 shows the leaf & size

@Heidi68 I was looking at the flower on 1 and not studyng it like I normally would. I getting over a case of food poisoning and dragging a little this morning.

@glennlab yuck hope you feel better soon.
1 & 2 are the same so it seems to be some kind of vine. But there was poison ivy all around it so I stood on the drive & zoomed in...

@glennlab Sorry to hear about your food poisoning .Not fun .

@Cast1es Thank you, I still felt bad alll day, but today is a whole new wonderful day.

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