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Growing Cilantro.

MissKathleen 9 June 13
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Have it growing in the herb area - harvested leaves and waiting for seeds to develop


I love growing as many herbs as I can....the oregano overwinters here so I have lots of it to cut and dry. Today I brought in a lot of fresh cut basil and parsley and rosemary to dry - the kitchen smells wonderful! 🙂 😉

Lavergne Level 8 June 13, 2019

I will be right over just to smell your house, lol!

I would be afraid to dry my rosemary, my plant is over 6 feet across and shows no sign of stopping.

I will buy the living Basil at the store and plant it in my window box. Once it is established,I harvest about every 2-5 days, and use some nd dry some.

@Hathacat Always welcome! 🙂

@Hathacat, @glennlab The rosemary dies back in our cold winters so I start with new plants each spring....the only thing I miss about living further south - having things that overwintered (and my Meyer Lemon tree). 😉


"cooler weather." Many people think it needs heat. Heat only makes bolt. We once grew it along with Greek Oregano under a raised garden bed cover during the winter.

JackPedigo Level 9 June 13, 2019

I hate cilantro, but use a buttload of coriander.

glennlab Level 10 June 13, 2019

@MissKathleen we're two peas in a pod then, I find myself testing the salsa just to make sure there's none in it when I go out.

@MissKathleen There was a survey done ant it was shown that from early childhood some thinks it tastes like soap (my 2nd partner) and some love (my late partner). Probably in the genes. I like it.

@MissKathleen So does soap taste like Cilantro? lol.

@MissKathleen same here.

@MissKathleen So we are stuck. I guess this is one food people can never agree on.

@MissKathleen I also think it tastes like soap. 😟

@Lavergne I know people either love it or hate it...I usually have to make two kinds of pico as well...with parsely and with cilantro...I like both...


And once you have it, you will always have it...ha ha...

thinktwice Level 8 June 13, 2019

Here too, cilantro and oregano won't quit.

@MissKathleen Mine die but the seeds seem to spread and I get pop ups in the weirdest places...I planted a patch 19 years ago near my door and the current patch is about 20 feet away!

@thinktwice sounds lie the mint I planted in a hole in my patio fet from the nearest "soil, the runners went under the patio, down the back of my house 2 feet turned the corner, came up on the side of my den and is now working it's way across the rest of the back of my house. Planted it in 1994.

@glennlab I can't even talk about the damn mint...I found patches in the woods...I don't want this invasive plant to take over the natural plants in the woods so I spent hours digging, following the runners, etc.

Lemon balm is the worst! I also have horseradish that I thought I has been growing here since 1956 when the first owner planted it...

@thinktwice My new chocolate mint is in my old fish pond, so I can just clip it if it gets out. It has a two inch raised rim so i can see it before it gets into the yard.

@glennlab what a great way to use an old fish pond!

I hope to grow at least herbs in my new place...I will miss my garden, but not the snow here! ha ha

@thinktwice where's the new place going to be?

@glennlab North a beachy town...more than likely I will be living in some sort of rental so mostly potted stuff for a while...

@thinktwice I've found that muck buckets work well for big plants like tomatoes, eggplants and root crops and it gives you a big canvas if you like to decorate your pots. 3 and 5 gallon buckets work well for peppers, basil, fennel, and other shallow rooted plants. Most people use too small a pot and their plants get root bound and just stop producing. Sorry if I'm preaching to the choir.

@glennlab oh no...thanks...I have no experience in growing in anything other than the dirt in my gardens! I will hit you and others here up when I get settled for more advice!


I was not aware that coriander seeds came from cilantro. Thanks for posting.😉

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