9 5

Hello! I need some help, pretty please! My new house closes escrow this Friday, and I am eager to get moving on my yard for this autumn, and in the spring. My concern is that I have 2 acres, mostly wooded, and I know there are deer around. Can anyone recommend some plants or books that I should know about?? I live in the Willamette Valley of Oregon (near Portland), at about 600' elevation (not high!) , and am in zone 8. Thank you!

Rustee 7 Sep 25
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I know how you feel about dogs, so I have to take that into consideration. However, I used to go to a lily Farm in northern Michigan. The woman who owns a lily Farm got a border collie because their natural instinct is to herd. Before she got the dog the deer kept eating her lilies, and therefore was making her business suffer. The Border Collie kept the deer put. Problem was solved. Side note: the dog was awesome

Livinlife Level 9 Sep 26, 2019

Deer won't touch any herbs, Lavender, Rosemary and such. Also there is a garlic based spray, Liquid fence that they hate. It works. Here the worst time is Fall. The deer get desperate at that time and will eat things they normally don't. They will also risk jumping high fences so be warned. []

JackPedigo Level 9 Sep 25, 2019

So, now you llive in paradise. Are you wondering what to feed the deer and racoons andother criters or how to keeop them away? I think Tinkercreek had the right answers to your questions.

Spinliesel Level 9 Sep 25, 2019

I want to keep the deer from eating whatever I plant!!


I agree that local nurseries will be your best guide! Bosky Dell Natives just outside of West Linn in Stafford is great, and Loen Nursery in Sherwood should also be a good resource for you 🙂. Al’s and Seven Dees could also be helpful if you find an experienced team member. Your new home looks lovely, hope you have fun with it!

Bosky Dell is a great idea, they are not far from me; I'm in WL. Thank you!


The combination of spring bulbs and ferns works well in woodland. They will together give you nearly year round interest, since the ferns will follow the bulbs, and there are many of both that you can collect. The ferns at least are not the favourite with deer, though they will eat a lot of bulbs, but the chemical scent deer away sprays work well. Think also about a near invisible electric fence, though you need to move it about now and again for the best effect, otherwise they get used to it and learn to jump it sometimes. Azaleas also go well.

Fernapple Level 9 Sep 25, 2019



I've read deer don't like marigolds . Cute house . Looks like it has two driveways .

Cast1es Level 9 Sep 25, 2019

Thank you! It has 2 driveways for now. The northern one was used during construction, once everything is done, that will most likely be where I'll have raised beds! (and fencing to keep Bambi out!)


I've read , deer don't like marigolds .

Cast1es Level 9 Sep 25, 2019


RavenCT Level 9 Sep 25, 2019

Thank you!


Nothing comes to mind right now, I'll get back to you tomorrow.

glennlab Level 10 Sep 25, 2019
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