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Well like everyone else I suppose I'm spending way more time in the garden and online than usual. Today while I was moving a few things around beside this area I noticed all the red blooms going on beside the fountain. The small potted tree with the red-orange bottle brush like flowers is Greyia sutherlandii. In the pot between the fountain and the largest pot with the Acacia cognata tree is a kalanchoe with red flowers and in the smaller blue pot is a fancy bulb called Hippestrum papillo aka Butterfly Amaryllis.

MarkWD 7 Apr 10
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Gorgeous! Love Amaryllis flowers. So dramatic and showy!!!


My amaryllis is just peaking above the ground, probably another 3-4 weeks before they bloom.

glennlab Level 10 Apr 10, 2020

I need to figure out what to feed it. I have two pots with this and each only put up one bloom stalk this year (and my dogs knocked one over while trying to drink out of the fountain). As a result I brought that one inside where it opened and looked great for quite a long time, which my wife appreciated big time. I rarely bring anything in as I prefer seeing them out there.

@MarkWD bone meal has been my go to for big bulbs.. They need a dormant season, if it doesn't get cold enough to kill it back, turn it on its side and allow it to dry out after it has had a chance to put some energy back into the bulb.

@MarkWD mine from 2 years ago

@glennlab @markwd
I think my neighbor grows amaryllis all year long here.
He calls them day lillies, is it the same thing or the term day lillies covers other specimen?

@MarkWD While looking for some pictures of my Vodoo Lillys (which I couldn't find) I discovered I too have some Amaryllis. One problem is that the deer also love it. Even though it's behind a fence the deer will poke their snouts through the wide fence and eat the flowers. I've had to run some thin wire between the spaces.

@Zoohome Day lilies are a different species.

@glennlab I had a feeling, his lillies are always blooming, amaryllis has its dormant and flowering time.


Very pretty! I love the vase as a contrast with the flowers' colors
I'm enjoying citrus fruits and loquats right now in my yard.
No special flower other than impossible to get rid of native flowers that pop in every corner. Pretty but the invade everything.

Zoohome Level 8 Apr 10, 2020

I fell in love with that fountain as soon as I saw it. The area around that vase fountain has seen a number of treatments over the years, ranging from sedate to high contrast. The sedate first photo is from 2006 and the hot, hot, hot second is from 2009.

@MarkWD it shows.
So pretty!!! Love the pathway.
I wish I had got to that point here. But not enough time and now I am selling my home. 🙁
Have you posted other parts of your garden?

@Zoohome If you'd like a more thorough look around, a garden blogger came to a Garden Conservancy open day I hosted here three years ago. It was fun to discover his impressions and photos when a friend tipped me off to this post [] . If the link doesn't work directly perhaps you can copy/paste it into your url-window? He returned the next year and made another post including portions of the garden he missed the first time. I've also visited his garden out in Davis a couple times.

@MarkWD super pretty!!!
You gave so many varieties, so so nice combinations. I wish I could visit. You are on the other side of the continent. 😄
How big I'd your garden
Have you thought of doing a sketch/blueprint of your garden?

@Zoohome They're very amateurish and also out of date but might give a sense of the layout and size. The dimensions of the lot are 100 feet along the street and 120 feet back. The first one shows the back garden which is the oldest and includes that fountain. The second, which has been rotated 90 degrees, shows our side garden with Strawberry creek flowing along our northern border.

@MarkWD super cool!! Thank you for sharing


Someone is partial to red blooms .

Cast1es Level 9 Apr 10, 2020

Oh I like some red though I don't really use a lot. I think of orange as somewhat more exciting. Or for retina searing pop, orange with pink. However my favorite part of Hidcote Manor was the red border.


Very, very impressive. I really love Amaryllis.
I spent the afternoon clearing a portion of a berm we built in front of the house. We planted such things as Lavender, Rosemary and an unusual Acacia. Now I wanted to transplant some of the overabundance of Vodoo Lilly's. Now it will be in the front for everyone to see. Hope it works. The problem with these plants is simply that when pollinated by flies it produces more bulbs. The bulbs become crowded and need to be thinned. I always have extra bulbs and look for new places to plant them.

JackPedigo Level 9 Apr 10, 2020

I only started planting my front garden maybe five years ago. It isn’t very large about 50 feet wide and about 6 feet deep plus there is the hell strip. But I have found I enjoy interacting with the neighbors this way. I have an old one gallon plant pot with a hunk of concrete in the bottom to keep it upright. I put cuttings of things for people to take in it.


Beautiful!! I am 100% jealous. We have freezing temperatures forecast for next week. I think spring is taking her sweet time getting here.

Here in Berkeley it has alternated between warm, sunny spring days and cold, drizzly ones. (Not complaining about the rain though - more is better!) Whereabouts do you garden again? Oh, Nebraska. Not terribly far north -we might even be near the same attitude. But being near the center of a large continental land mass you're going to get some highs and lows.

@MarkWD Generally we can plant vegetables in mid to late April, and this year is pushing the late April very hard. My forsythia is blooming, and I saw tulips and daffodils blooming while I was driving across town today. I am in the middle of the US, but 20 miles from a large river, it is fascinating to watch the movement of storms across the continent. We will be in Tornado season soon. That used to freak out my California friends.

@HippieChick58 it freaks me out more than earthquakes do. Just the devil we know I suppose.

@MarkWD Totally! I grew up about 150 miles west of where I live now. I remember as a kid going into the yard with my dad to watch the sky when the tornado sirens would start wailing. My sister took come pictures of a funnel cloud. This sister now lives on a lake south of a small town. A few years ago she again took pictures of funnel clouds, this time they were wreaking havoc in that small town to the north. I tell folks at least with tornadoes we have a warning. I have been in earthquakes in St. Louis, MO; Snohomish, WA; and Okinawa - NO Warning! I like to have a clue my devils are lurking nearby.

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