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Since I am still wandering and not able to have a garden, I have been looking into CSA's (community supported agriculture) and wondering if it's a good way to get my fresh produce or is it better to just hit farmers markets and farm stands throughout the summer.
Any experience with CSA's out there?

Akfishlady 8 May 16
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Not here in the states. A bunch in Germany if that helps.


My kids did a CSA, ended up with more than they could use. Usually CSAs are set up for families, no singles or couples. And you tend to get loads of what is ripe all at once. Being single I decided what I'm not growing I'll get from the Farmer's Market.

Agreed, that's the usual way a CSA works.


I have heard of a couple around me. But there is a farmers market and a bunch of farm stand that I hit on a regular basis. I’m not getting anything from my food forest yet. Except a hand full of blueberries and one peach lol but it was a supper sweet peach

Donto101 Level 7 May 16, 2018

I had a friend that lived on a boat down in the islands and he'd plant sweet potatoes where ever he could find decent soil he got sick of eating sweet potatoes after a couple years .

Besalbub Level 8 May 16, 2018

You're buying a share in the garden. If it's a good growing season there's alot of product. If it's a lousy season, share some of the risk. It's a good deal, I think. It puts some money into the farmer's hands at the beginning of planting season so it improves the chances of a strong crop. That's the model in my area. I'm sure there are variations.

and it's easy .

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