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Ok Donto I have a pineapple top. What do I have to do to get this thing to grow?

btroje 9 May 26
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I have always just cut about 3/4 of an inch off the top of the pineapples.Fill whatever size pot you want with good potting soil/compost mix.Bury the 3/4 inch in the need getting soil on the leaves.water and sunshine,lots of it.Of course,I was living in Austin Tx at the time and it was easy to grow most anything if you had any knowledge at all.Actually did get one baby pineapple off my biggest of luck and i hope it gets gigantic

lookinhard Level 7 May 26, 2018

I pull off the pineapple flesh (fruit) peel back a few leaves about 1/2 inch of stem exposed and put stem in water for about a week. Then plant in a pot. But I know people that just cut the tops off and put on the ground flesh and all. And they grow just fine.

Donto101 Level 7 May 26, 2018

ok for this round I have a lot of the flesh cut off and its jammed into wet potting soil. I am at 7000 feet in the high desert. will see how this one goes

@btroje you will have to protect it during a freeze


Just plant it and keep it watered. But, do not expect quick results. It will take 4 to 5 years before it will prouce a pineapple. Also, the plant is vulnerable to freezing weather.

wordywalt Level 9 May 26, 2018

It will be good if it just becomes a plant!

Mine have all fruited about 1 year after planting. I have at least 13 all fruiting now and I planted all of them when I bought the property in December of 16


Make sure all the meat is trimmed off, then just set it on top off damp soil. At least that's how all of mine where started. Might not be the same for mainland.


I picked up a couple of pineapples at the grocery store back in March because they were on sale, decide to try and plant the tops just for shits and giggles. One of them made it and one of them wound up in the compost pile.
I put mine in a container just a bit bigger than the base of the pineapple top, tossed in a bit of potting soil and kept it very wet. I think having enough of the pineapple attached to the top is important, the one that died didn't have much of the pineapple fruit to work with and it only last a couple of weeks.

Surfpirate Level 9 May 26, 2018

I cut the flesh off of mine. Leaving the flesh on you have a small chance of it causing the
Stem to rot. It works with way I have done it both ways. With equal Success. I take the flesh off just as a Precaution.

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