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I've been fighting these vines for 5 years now and haven't made any real advances. They are worse than kudzu. Can someone help me ID this vine?

AstralSmoke 8 June 3
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Looks like trouble to me don't send me seeds.


Get the Pl@ntnet app. Is it an English Ivy or Climbing Nightshade?


No, but Donna_I found it. Thanks.


Two suggestions.

  1. I found a Tennessee Invasive Species listing for a Chinese Yam.
    Not sure as the leaf still doesn't look right to me.
  2. See if you can find a master gardeners group near by. They can be very helpful with wierd plants.

If all else fails there is Round-up.

Donna_I Level 8 June 3, 2018

Yes, I believe that's it. Chinese Yam, Cinnamon Vine, Air-potato. Thank you very much! Doesn't help me figure out how to get rid of it without using herbicides though. At least I know what it's called. Thanks again.

@AstralSmoke one site recommended heavy mulch with cardboard and wood chips for two growing seasons... don't know if that is feasable for you.

@CrazyQuilter I haven't seen any. That's one thing that doesn't fit the plant I'm fighting. Pictures look the same though. I also try keeping it cut, but it's sneaky. So, mine doesn't normally flower or have any fruit.

@CrazyQuilter, @Donna_I The mulch idea doesn't work. It simply grows right through it unless the roots can be removed. I can usually get rid of kudzu within three years simply by removing its leaves. Doesn't work with this vine.

@AstralSmoke well shoot!


I keep seeing a plant ID app mentioned here and advertised on FB

btroje Level 9 June 3, 2018

Yea, me too. Don't want to pay $4 so it can tell me it doesn't know. I've got a stubborn strike that I have to deal with as well.

@AstralSmoke i thought it would know everything. does it flower at all?

@AstralSmoke Im the one pushing the Pl@ntnet app. And it's free ^_^


@btroje @Donna_I found it. A Chinese yam. And see, she saved me $4! I'm open to non-chemical solutions for getting rid of it.

The problem with most apps is they know the wrong things.

@AstralSmoke so the roots do grow to China

@btroje Well on there way!


It doesn't grow like an ivy. The vertical stems have roots that grow to China. The runners resemble ivy in that they run (sprint) about 1" (~2.5cm) under the surface of the ground. They quickly engulf azaleas, etc. I haven't found exactly what it is or where it comes from from online resources.


Definitely looks like a variety of ivy


Those horrible bugs. 😮

There is an app that identifies plants. I think it's called Plantsnap. Good luck getting rid of them.

Those are Boxelder bugs. They look like they'd be easy pickin's, don't they?


They look horrible, I know that.

I hope you can get rid of them.

@Ellatynemouth That's a part of nature. They're doing their thing.


First thought was ivy but the middle lobe is really long on the older leaves.

Donna_I Level 8 June 3, 2018

If you cut this guy off really close to the ground, is the stem woody?

Depends on the age, but yes.

I'll get a "comment beating" for this, I'm sure.
But. Tordon brush and stump killer will take care of this. I've used it successfully on honeysuckle and trumpet vines, and saplings.
Cut the vine off at its base, leaving about 1/2 inch of "stump" above ground. Then, with a small paintbrush, paint the full strength liquid Tordon on the freshly cut stump. Just on the cut though.
A little goes a long way. This stuff is powerful. So don't drip it on the soil, or any plant you don't want dead.

@bigpawbullets True, this method works, and I believe you took the correct profile name.

My problem isn't quite as drastic. I've been cutting and digging these little invasive, engulfing nemesis for a few years now. They are small and pop up everywhere. I live on ~1/4 acre within the city limits.

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