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I'm frustrated by two things that are beyond my control. First, my marriage has been sexless since 2000. Second, I gained about 200 lbs over a period of six or seven years, while suffering with uncontrollable pain after a back operation in 2000.

My wife and I are best friends. When I became agnostic, about 1957, I lost my entire fundamentalist family. She and her family are now mine; we've been married 35 years. I don't want to loose my family again, nor do I want to loose my best friend. In addition, divorce would be a financial disaster. Thus, I am a married single guy; which means my marriage must be open. That means I'm wearing a sign for many women that says, "Keep off."

Mom knew nothing about nutrition; she cooked as her mom had, which morphed into the FDA diet. For most of my life, I ate the typical American diet that's loaded with fat and sugar. I was always overweight. About 2000, my doctor recommended a plant based, whole food diet, which I've been trying to adopt by changing my habits. It wasn't easy, but I've done it, and lost about 100 lbs. The next 100 seem to be coming off slower. In any case, I am impatient, and frustrated at having to wait another year to get to a reasonable weight.

I am eating less than 1200 calories a day, most of the time. I'd like to fast to be quickly rid of this 150 lb anchor, but I am diabetic and my doctor says it is dangerous to fast. That's frustrating.

Though diabetes has done some damage, I feel healthy. My blood pressure, without meds, is 110/70 with me weighing 350 lbs. I feel it's possible I'll live into my 90s, with my soon to be weight of less than 200 lbs. I don't suffer hunger eating only 1200 calories a day. It's now my lifestyle, not a diet.

I'm basically single for 18 years, and feel the need for a companion-mate, and have found weight control as a senior citizen and cannot loose it fast enough to be satisfactory.

I sure could use a bit of magic right now.

Thanks for listening.

EdEarl 8 Oct 10
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You’ve done what many only wish for. It takes a lot of hard work and commitment to lose any weight. I understand not wanting to leave your adopted family. Can you talk to your wife about an open relationship?

Sydland Level 7 Oct 11, 2018

I have talked to her. She said go for it, but I'm not comfortable she means it down deep.

@UserID Sarah, that is sage advice, and while honest communication is important, it is necessary to limit unwanted information. It is my responsibility to tell a potential lover about my wife. I've made it clear here, and I shall continue elsewhere.

I'm not an expert on human nature, and don't have a silver tongue. Walking a tightrope between two women is a frightening prospect, but I am eager, too. In addition, turn about is fair play; how well can I handle that. Though, she says she isn't interested, she may change her mind. Nothing others haven't been through, so I can manage.

I've watched self help videos, but haven't been to a counselor.


Weight is an issue I know all too well. I've had challenges with my weight for many years, mainly from emotional eating. Food is my go-to when I'm stressed, depressed, etc. I'd actually started losing weight a few years ago when I went through some big changes and went from eating too much to barely being able to eat, almost like my addiction to food flip-flopped. Then when I was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma last year, I lost more weight during chemo because I had no appetite - in total about 100 lbs., the lightest I'd been since my 20's. I was really shocked by the change in my body and not used to it. I gained some of it back over the last year as my appetite came back, but not nearly back to my original weight. I want to weigh less, but it's more about wanting to be healthy overall, and to face that food addiction or else I'm only fighting myself... Irony is, I feel better overall about myself than I did in years because I'm not pinning my self-worth on my weight, which I used to do, but that also gives me more hope moving forward.

bleurowz Level 8 Oct 10, 2018

Hope your Hodgkin's is in remission. I once thought I was overeating because of food addiction or emotional eating. However, I was wrong. I was eating the wrong foods, which prevented my body from getting nutrients it needed, because when I started eating more vegetables, a rainbow of vegetables, my appetite decreased. With decreased appetite, I stopped eating between meals, and eat less during meals. Before eating a rainbow, I could eat a foot long chicken Subway with chips and pop or beer. Now I eat half a Subway and feel stuffed, without the chips and beer. I have considered cutting the 500 calorie Subway in half (making two 3-inch sandwiches). Last night I had a large salad for dinner, and some dark lightly sweetened chocolate, which was about 350 calories. I didn't get hungry, and that made about 800 calories for the day; though, I usually eat more than 800; I rarely eat more than 1200 calories a day. It's truly amazing what the rainbow vegetables have done for me.


Congrats on the pounds you've taken off and your desire to change your life. I strongly suggest you talk to a nutritionist. Most docs don't have much training on nutrition, and what they did have was in med school. Things have changed. I stopped working on Sept 7th, and my first fast was the evening of the 7th to the evening of the 8th. It is called intermittent fasting, do a google search. I am not diabetic, but I've been pre-diabetic for years. I am fasting at least once a week some weeks twice. At my heaviest I was 280 pounds. I have lost and gained 50 or more pounds for years. Since I have been off work I've been walking almost every day, and then winter started. So now I've joined a gym. I gave up sugar about 4 years ago and lost 30 pounds, put some of it back on with my last job, and now that is coming off. I had to cut down on my meds for hypertension. I want to be healthy for my grandchildren, I want to get up off the floor with a modicum of grace. Good luck on your journey.


Well first of all congratulations on your weight loss Journey! Keep It Up! Once you regain your health and Independence you'll experience a tremendous amount of growth. Hopefully that will lead you to make the right decisions in your life. As a widow ,I went through a great deal of pain. I slowly began to understand that I didn't need a man or a relationship, but I needed help. Don't fall into any magical trap. It's a slow long process, and the journey is yours to make alone.

Kojaksmom Level 8 Oct 10, 2018

My growth started because of successfully loosing a hundred pounds. If it happens again, I may be impossible to hold on the ground.


Lots of love and everyone needs someone.


You’ve done well so far, so congratulate yourself!

Fat doesn’t make you fat. carbs make you fat. What do they feed cows to fatten them up, fat? No, they feed them corn.

I suggest you look into “intermittent fasting” on google/youtube. It has helped me lose weight and maintain blood glucose. I’m also type II.

And don’t listen to your Dr. the only reason fasting could possibly be bad is if you’re on insulin or other diabetic meds, your glucose can go too low. So pay attention to your glucose, and reduce or eliminate the drugs.

Things like insulin and glipizide MAKE YOU HUNGRY! It always blew my mind that they give you drugs that are proven to mak you gain weight, while telling you to lose weight!!!

Best of luck!

Dangrenade Level 6 Oct 10, 2018

Thanks. I'm taking metformin, which doesn't make you hungry, and has an added benefit. Metformin increases life span, even in people without diabetes. Calorie reduction, eating about half your FDA calories while eating foods high in nutrition, also increases life span. As long as I don't forget to take my metformin, my glucose stays below 140. My A1C is always good.

"And don’t listen to your Dr"..
That seems safe.. #facepalm lol

@hippydog , all Dr. are practicing medicine. Dr.s are people, fallible, and busy.

The Medical schools are funded by Big Pharma.

Most medical studies are junk science and cannot be replicated.

Government funded medical research is politically biased

NOTE: Dr.s are “Healing Assistants”, NOT “Healers”. YOU and YOUR BODY and NATURE are the “Healers”



@Jonado TY

@Jonado My A1c results are always OK, and my glucose is rarely above 140.

@hippydog maybe I should have said “listen to your Dr, then do your own research, and make up your own mind”

Drs are a tool, a useful tool, but they shouldn’t be the ONLY tool in your toolbox.

It amazes me that people who won’t put 100% faith in a priest, will put 100% belief in another profession.

@Jonado , then work harder.

BTW, I’m Type II insulin resistant/metabolic disorder diabetic. I take metformin, and glipizide as needed

@Jonado I partly knew. I knew the drugs they give me improve the cells ability to use insulin. However, I hadn't made the connection to it making weight loss difficult, but it makes sense. At least I'm not taking glyburide, which increases your appetite.


good luck with losing weight

TheDoubter Level 9 Oct 10, 2018

Thanks. Though I'm frustrated it takes so long to loose weight, loosing it is easy when you eat right. I can remember eating 3000 calories and being hungry in half an hour. My body was telling me that I was eating the wrong foods, but I hadn't learned what to eat. I try to eat a bit of kale every day; although, I hate the taste. Whatever I think of the flavor, if It's good for me, I eat it anyway. The prescription is simple, "Eat a rainbow of vegetables."


You're on the right track....I know it seems like it will take forever but once you get to a weight that makes you feel really good about yourself, a lot of other things will click into place. (some) people see us as we see ourselves so when you project that you feel good about YOU - others will feel that way too. Maybe get involved in some volunteer activities that will bring you in contact with a potentially new circle of friends - who knows, something could grow from that, too. Keep looking for the magic! 😉

Lavergne Level 8 Oct 10, 2018

Thanks. I'm frustrated and ranting, and I hate being fat. However, I do feel good about myself. My weight has kept me in a lift chair and wheelchair for years, and I need to exercise to become mobile, which I'm working on. When I can, I think I'll check out animal rescue and political activism.

@EdEarl Yes - working with no kill animal shelters will can be so rewarding. Even if you can't do a lot of "hands on" right now - they all need help with admin/paperwork, etc. If you can sit at a computer you can help with all the data entry and paperwork. A lot of the bigger libraries need volunteers as well - all the thrift stores need help sorting, etc. Everything you "give" comes back to you tenfold.

@Lavergne Thanks for the tips.


You may have seen my picture or profile. I’m 5’10, 135lbs. I’m also an open heart RN for over 25 years. I grew up obese and was an overweight young adult. My ex was diabetic and I managed him to perfection. I’ve maintained my weight for more than a decade and live a healthy lifestyle. Back surgery was a catalyst for me because I was not going to live on pain medication or give up my career. Feel free to message me if I can help in any way. You’re doing great!!

Green_eyes Level 8 Oct 10, 2018

Thanks, I'd rather not be in your care in an operating theater; I have a stint, which is enough.

You maintained your weight for a decade; is that without bariactric stomach reduction surgery? If so, that's awesome.

@EdEarl I’ve spent a good deal of time in the Cath Lab. No, I’ve not had a baritric procedure. I had a difficult recovery after my back surgery in 2001 due to my weight. I was becoming more reliant on opioids. The fear of becoming dependent was foremost in my mind. After discussions with my doctors and nutritionist. I began a diet and exercise plan, got rid of the drugs. There was also a competition with my sister involved, she lost 150 as well. Once you’re living the lifestyle, it’s second nature.. the perk it’s all my kids know so they are growing up healthy from the start.

@Green_eyes Awesome, I can do it.

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