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Question: How do you go about finding new friends to hang out with?
Background: I've always been a bit of a loner.. never had a lot of good friends.. and ever since my "awakening" (or mid life crisis, not sure which sometimes) I even lost those.. (and I am not interested in reconnecting with my past redneck semi racist semi religious ex friends either)

It's weird.. (well I guess maybe I'm just weird) but my pt job has been a dj for almost 30 yrs.. give me a mic i have no problem talking to 200 people.. put my in a room of 10 people and i become an introvert..

Not saying you people are not lovely.. but it would be nice to be able to go out for a coffee with someone at times..

Throw some advice, random thoughts at me please ?

[Edited ] update: i have done the thing.. will likely try it again..

hippydog 8 Dec 30
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This is not advice. But, I've found that friendship isn't anything that one can find. It just happens. Years ago my best friend died. So I had to find a new friend. At my job there was a guy who, on his break would read the New York Time and the Village Voice. I was interest because he read the Times. So, I proceed to make friend with him. He was a vegan so, I took him to a vegan restaurant in the Village. Eventually I started thinking he though I was gay. Long story short, we quasi friends. Then there is another guy who I've known for quite some time and we have some things in common and we hang out regularly. Point is i had to get out and mingle and find who I have something in common with and let it happen.

newt125 Level 4 Jan 7, 2019

Finding new friends to hang out with?

As I have a very low tolerance for BS (religion) and most folk in this part of the world pays homage to their god, I don't bother.

In this town I can count a total of 1 friend. If you expand the range to the entire US where I am able to talk to them via phone this number increases to 3. I often interact with people at the YMCA but usually to discuss movies or technology or, if they are unlucky enough to bring up the topic, religion - - lots of stories - -

It feels I don't have time for friends as work, hobbies, working out at the YMCA, and maintaining the house takes most all my time.

Wish you luck.


Follow your interests and passions. If you are short on those then go find something to get interested in. There is a whole wide world out there. After finding things that interest you, then find groups with the same interest.

After my wife died, I had to learn to get out of my protective shell and take an interest in other people's lives. I was interested in dancing, music, critical thinking, etc so I went to meetups and met people.

dare2dream Level 7 Dec 30, 2018

I would say look into books to help improve your social skills first. I don't knoe you well so I can't speak for you but I've also been a loner. I had to look into methods to improve social skills because mine were allways terrible. Not that I wasn't confident I just don't ever know what to talk about. That could be a step in the right direction.

Ya.. my one on one interaction in real life could definitely do with some touchups.


We must go out and find places where smart, eccentric people hang out. We must be pro-active and find the folks who we have things in common with.

SKH78 Level 8 Dec 30, 2018

"smart, eccentric people hang out."
I got the idea from @cabsmom yesterday that i should see if there are any agnostic atheist groups in the city.
I found a humanist group in Edmonton via i am now thinking i might try that first!
Before i wouldn't have even considered a group like that..


These days between work and home ownership the only social lifei have is meetups. Do you have a hobby? do you like to hike? do you like the outdoors? do you like eating at restaurants? There's probably a meet-up in your area of like-minded people.

Kojaksmom Level 8 Dec 30, 2018

No hobbies .. done the meetups and petered out as i was horrible at meeting people.. never had even the inkling that a friendship could develop.. likely i might be the problem lol ..

@hippydog oh... well if you ever come to n.c look me up. Lol

@Kojaksmom i have a short bucket list.. primary one is to hopefully be able to afford a motorbike trip across canada, then the usa.. i will add north Carolina to the path ?

@hippydog ok then! I'll show you around.


I’m very similar in that at work I am a charge nurse that requires me to be assertive and vocal. I’m also president of a non profit that requires the same.
This is completely contrary to my personality.. I’m a soft spoken, wall flower with a small network of friends that I’ve met through my volunteer work.

Green_eyes Level 8 Dec 30, 2018

I can so totally relate to what you are saying.....everything sounds like "fun" until its time to actually go and then I can think of twelve reasons to just stay home instead. And - its hard to just say "you're pretty cool - I'd like to just hang out and be friends" - there seems to always be that pressure that it has to develop into something more. Hang in there.....(I know, I know - I'm no help whatsoever... 😉 these are just my "random thoughts" - everyone else has given you actual good advice!)

Lavergne Level 8 Dec 30, 2018

Thank you, i think you called it exactly..
I have used
I went to a bunch of them.. it was the "lets be friends " part that i could never get to!
Staying up home with no pressure seemed easier after awhile.


There was a period of my life in which I wasn't motivated. I basically went to work and came home. I played games online and kept up with social media. I had an entertaining life. It was pretty good but I just didn't care to go anywhere. When I felt lonely and started to think "my friends have abandoned me" I realized that the opposite was true, I was becoming a hermit. There are ways to fix that:

There is an app called Meetup'. Join groups which interest you, get out of the house, meet people, and make some new friends.

Take up a hobby. While shopping for supplies (and in a store not online) because you're not in your house you will meet people, make new friends.

Use social media to find local folks and ask if they want to grab coffee. The key is to get out of the house, meet people, and make new friends

Nukdookum Level 8 Dec 30, 2018

Thanks ?, i have done the thing.. never seemed to make any friends.. i guess i first maybe need to relearn how to do that?
"Take up a hobby. "
Maybe i should actually try that.. i used to have the excuse i was too busy (and loved social media and tv too much).. i do have more time now, AND i should get off the couch more.. just gotta find a hobby i like and can afford.. honestly have NEVER had a hobby (djing was always my side thing)
"Use social media to find local folks "
Besides fb is my only real social media.. not sure where to find people using that.. i sure as heck can't randomly message people, that would be too weird. Lol

@hippydog I may have been unclear. When you use social media, like Facebook, it shows you events that are happening near you. For instance I like dancing to goth industrial music. There are goth industrial DJ nights at a club about 30 minutes from my house. You don't have to message anyone on FB, just go to an event that interests you. Same thing with the hobby. I like to do little projects around the house. I have a table saw and a mitre saw. Sometimes I find myself at Lowes or other woodworking specific stores looking at tools or interesting wood. Other people are there who obviously have an interest in woodworking. It's a common interest and something to start a conversation about.

Making new friends isn't about taking to someone online who happens to live close to you and then you become friends and start hanging out at each other's house. It has never worked that way for me at least. I know it's difficult when you're used to being at home and you think all you want is someone who will sit with you, drink beers, and watch the game. Go outside. When you see people, talk to them. An easy conversation starter is something you have in common. "Oh hello. My name is Nukdookum. This is my first time coming to this Meetup event, have you been coming to these a lot? Do you like them? I am having fun, I like industrial music in general." It won't be that first night. You will have to leave your house multiple times. You will have to talk to multiple people about all kinds of subjects. After weeks, maybe months, when you've developed a rapport with someone you will invite them to see your latest thing that you have in common.

Basically in order to have friends, you have to be a friend.


I'm with you too. Too introverted for my own good. It's difficult meeting people. But I keep trying. Was a caregiver and fairly isolated for a long time. I need to get out in the world a bit more, but feel like I need a guide.

MojoDave Level 9 Dec 30, 2018

@MojoDave @hippydog It's hard but I push myself to go out and socialize, getting a social life involves joining groups of people and maybe doing things that you think isn't you, I've done that and had a great time. The more people you meet the greater your odds on meeting a possible date. As a heads up the kind of activities that seem to attract women on about a 20-1 ratio are Tai Chi and Yoga 🙂

@psycheworks i did tai chi for about 6 months, then they moved it to fridays (so could not go much)..
As to dates, i was the youngest person there most times lol.. (wasnt really there for dates anyways lol but every single person there was married)..
I should look at that again though.. i do need a top up on my zen! Thanks!


It's best to be content, not needy, Zen, to be aware, living in the moment, Zen, and to be empathetic, kind, Zen. Empathy eliminates introversion; you naturally interact with people to discover them, and they sense your contentment, kindness and empathy and enjoy being with you. I know these things, but my emotions interfere and leave me wanting. I practice, but fail, and practice again.

EdEarl Level 8 Dec 30, 2018

@EdEarl It's good that you keep getting up again 🙂


This is difficult for me too. As an introvert I find it hard to make new friends. I am probably too particular when it comes to the kind of people I will be friends with.

Wildflower Level 8 Dec 30, 2018

If you lived near me I would hang out with you.

Wildflower Level 8 Dec 30, 2018

And i would enjoy that.. alas you are to far away ?

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