11 7

What do these things indicate to you? This is in relation to a man I've been seeing.

  1. Thinking about him constantly
  2. Feeling like you are cheating on him after 3 dates when you go out with someone else (that was about a month ago)
  3. Backing away because your feelings are too strong
  4. Not wanting to date another man
  5. Wanting to talk to him on the phone just to hear his voice
  6. When you kiss you feel that it's almost impossible to get close enough
Cabsmom 8 Jan 10
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Sounds like the first flush of falling in love.


Sounds like love to me! Nothing wrong cherish the moment and communicate how you feel to him You never know, he may feel the same about you.

AlexRam Level 7 Jan 15, 2019

Where's the problem? That all sounds great to me.

When you click with someone, go for it. This whole "be careful, be cautious" thing I never understood.

You're gonna get hurt, you're gonna get burned. Eventually. Why have reservations and regrets in love?

Kintaro Level 6 Jan 12, 2019

You're smitten. Just make sure it's mutual, and that it's not so all-consuming that you can't function. If it's real, it'll still be there if you need to slow things down a little.

bleurowz Level 8 Jan 11, 2019

Lust. I'll use the word "obsessed" but not in the psycho way just the totally lusting after him way.


Perhaps attachment. Is this your pattern from before ? I say that only to make sure you stay present and don’t repeat the past.

No. I have never felt this way even with my son's dad.


It sounds like the beginning of something beautiful. ♥️?♥️

SukiSue Level 8 Jan 10, 2019

After 3 dates, I think it's ok to have the "talk." You're just wasting time and emotional trauma if he's just stringing you along. Definitely have the talk if you are considering sexual relations. An old mother-of-an-ex once described my old boyfriend's roomate as an animal b/c he had a different girl every night. Don't be the person in the dark about this.

UrsiMajor Level 8 Jan 10, 2019

The 3rd date happened about a month ago. I just remember that I already had a date planned and I remember how I felt weird going out with someone else.

We've already had sex and I don't regret it. I just wish we had discussed our relationship before, but it is what it is...and the sex is

@Cabsmom yep feeling vanilla here You guys definitely need the talk.


Sounds like a very strong attraction. ... Be careful... Find out how he feels...


do you have any idea how he feels about you?

Lavergne Level 8 Jan 10, 2019

Not exactly, but I know there is something there. If I had to guess I would say he wants me in his life.

@Cabsmom Cause it sure sounds like you have been "thunderstruck" as the Italians would say. You will give your heart to this man completely so be sure he feels the same way about you before you throw caution to the wind.... 😉 🙂


That's something deep. Go with it. Relax, you got this.

Yep...and I've never felt this

@Cabsmom Make sure he's right there with you. Talk to him. Communication is critical.

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