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Hello all... Like find intimacy of my life. And it always seems elude me.

Thx4luh 4 Mar 3
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Intimacy is what you can give as much as get. It comes from within, trusting ourselves to put ourselves out there, and also knowing who and when to give it to. It also requires the risk that it may not be returned.

bleurowz Level 8 Mar 4, 2019

It always surprises me to hear a guy talk about not finding intimacy - most of the women I've known over the years have complained that the men they meet (and date) are running as fast as they can away from intimacy - they seem to prefer to keep things light and casual - no big commitments and certainly no baring of souls. Is the universe just laughing at us? 😉

Lavergne Level 8 Mar 3, 2019

You make a good point. There needs to be so many things that are 'synched" for intimacy to occur. Posting on a public place to strangers is a start...The real work occurs when there's a meeting. Do we appeal physically to each other? Mentally? Emotionally? It takes a lot of work and a lot of time.

Men are - from a biological standpoint - the seed planters.

They you've noted...intimacy.

The challenge, then is put on the woman to make that intimacy worth while.

We need to get back a lot of devotion for us to want intimacy...but it starts with us "giving" first!

From seed, to style, to emotions, to knowledge....we have to "turn them on" if we want can't just be requested on social media.

We're civilized now.

We can't just expect devotion because we're seed planters and providers. That worked up until the middle of last century. It doesn't work that way anymore...

@Robecology ...couldn't have said it any better. While I consider myself a feminist, I will be the first to admit that it falls to us women to create that "safe harbor" so to speak - so that men will want to open up to us completely - willingly peeling away all the layers so carefully crafted for society - and hoping that his woman will be able to tell him that she loves that very version of him. None of us like feeling that vulnerable so we do that delicate dance....and try to not step on each other's toes... 😉

It does seem to be weird. The ones looking for love all seem to be attracted to the ones who are not.. lol

@hippydog yeah - like I said....I think the universe is just laughing at us! 😉


keep hoping, keep looking


Don't give up or settle for less than you need.

I am determined not to settle.


Recently I had a very short lived semi-relationship that had such potential that ended. It's heartbreaking, but even though the pain I appreciate the connection we had. It just sucks BIG time that he wasn't in the place for a relationship.

Cabsmom Level 8 Mar 3, 2019

Is always hard women seem to prefer bad boys to convert we men who want intimacy are left behind sucks

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 3, 2019

Yes - women go thru a stage when its the "bad boys" that appeal to them. That stage is usually short lived however - when they realize there is no potential for "conversion" - only a lot of grief and heartache. Maybe some slashed tires as well...hahahahaha. 😉

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