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I feel like I run into this type of "nice guy" depicted in the cartoon a lot in online forums, and they ruin it for the rest of us. So I'm cross-posting this a couple of places to help educate. Note: what is depicted in the cartoon is NOT how sex works. Partners deserve respect ALL THE TIME. Also, sex is NEVER OWED. Yes, if a partner is specifically withholding sex that's not fair and warrants discussion. Also, if they ignore your sexual needs, that's not fair and warrants discussion. But sex is still never OWED, as such.

ejbman 7 Apr 9
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Have in mind that there is not much you can do to change opinion of someone without be obvious that you are doing it, and when you are trying to attract a woman, this obvious appearance will put them away, because it is clear that you are not showing yourself.

Do not try to conquer a woman by being nice. If you want a romantic (or even just sex) be clear on that, there are ways to be clear on that without disrespect.
If you want to be friend, go for friend, not for friend that maybe become love.

And if you want sex, and get denied, well, go away, cast your net elsewhere, fail fast and move on, don't waste yours and her time with a false friendship/niceness, that won't be cool even if for a miracle it works.

Any douche can pretend niceness for some time, anyone can add extra points on patience and self control once in a while. But do not let "nice" be your main characteristic, nice is a standard, is a blank characteristic, add some color on it.

Pedrohbds Level 7 Apr 10, 2019

Geez, it's like those punch cards at Starbucks or whatever... I suppose they think that after ten times they get the 11th one for free.

bleurowz Level 8 Apr 9, 2019

I love how angry his face too!! They get sooooo mad. For me it is usually a "meh, okay." Kinda deal. My ex-wife withheld a lot of things, sex just so happened to be one of them.

P.S. That last bit was not a major factor in our divorce.

Phayon Level 5 Apr 9, 2019

When a woman talks to you and you choose to ignore her , she may repeat what she said the first time . Men label this nagging . When a man chooses to to continue to , "not hear , " or acknowledge what;s going on , and what he needs to do about it , sometimes the only alternative to get him to respond , is to shut down emotionally , because , obviously , he does not care about you , the family , or what needs to happen . Men complain about not having what they once had , but still choose to ignore what should have happened as far as what he should be doing . Just because you went into a store and bought something once , does not you can continue going to that store and taking things without paying for them . If your wife has suddenly become an ice cycle , try to recall what she' s been telling you all along , and fix the real problem .


i'll try to educate myself

Read some historical romance novels. Great pointers in some of them.


And that's why they don't experience much of it - think it's somebody else's fault.

I’ve found that in all the toxic people I’ve known, they share one basic trait: NOTHING is their fault, or even responsibility, in a non-blame situation. It’s never them: it’s us meanies who are insisting on accountability!

@CarolinaGirl60 Sincerely agree, kudos to you for pointing it out. And gender is rarely a factor.

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