11 4

This article really hit home:


But why is that generally men just have to deal with it when their wife repeatedly rejects him, but when a man rejects his wife it is catastrophic? (and he’s “obviously” an uncaring bastard or has problems.)

rsb97080 7 May 25
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Frankly, I think sex can be a damned nuisance if it becomes an ever present preoccupation. It can be the source of some subtle and not so subtle undercurrents of tension which i don't feel inclined to devote too much time to. Hell, life is short and there is so much else to do. Maybe i don't have a very strong sex drive, but honestly, i can take it or leave it. Context, sure isn't at the top of my list.
I really enjoy it when there is genuine mutual desire, but really, i just don't get that it has to be talked about all the time and wouldn't hang with anyone who couldn't shut up about it. The magazines at the supermarket checkout seem to routinely have a headline about "what women want " or how to please her, or some silly sticky beak gossip about who's shagging who in Hollywood this week, the "private" lives of celebrity figures etc. I just don't get it. The end.


Rejecting sex is silly. It's not a popular view but sex is a purely physical thing. I am not promiscuous but, unless you have a tinge of religious guilt, everyone would view monogamy as ridiculous. You can certainly choose to only be with one person but, if that person refuses sex, you should be able to go elsewhere without repercussion. If you (men OR women) want to keep your partner "faithful", never refuse.

Marshallcc Level 4 May 28, 2019

I take it by posting this, you had a bad relationship that had this in it. My ex husband and I went through this at a point in our marriage when we had two small children and little free time together. This is what he said to me that totally changed how I thought about not rejecting his sexual advances, even when I was not in the mood. He told me that when I rejected him sexually I was rejecting his love, that it is through sex that he showed love. In my head I thought it was he was just horny and wanted to get off and had little to do with me. This did surprise me and I did ask many male friends about what he said and found that most would agree with him, that sex was how they expressed love, in giving and received love from her giving and that rejection sent the message that one no longer wanted their love.

I agree completely. It's not all about the sex.


If a woman wants to play withhold sex games , let that that V dry up and move on. If they can’t communicate, agree to disagree then they aren’t worth it . Fellas just remember a woman’s dating pool will always be bigger than ours, but that doesn’t mean she is going to attract anything worthwhile. If you are a standup guy and you let your light shine as well ; a rounded Woman will come your way .


Good communication.. and trust . Cornerstones of any good relationship.

hippydog Level 8 May 25, 2019

Having sex , when you don't want to , causes damage to both your already troubled relationship and to your vagina.

Cast1es Level 9 May 25, 2019

No one needs that. Find a different woman. Or see a marriage counselor.


a lot of men are workaholics and unfortuneatly sex and there love life and familys really suffer,,needs to be a balance

RoyMillar Level 9 May 25, 2019

Sex with man is no strings attached but it is not like that with women?

St-Sinner Level 9 May 25, 2019

Why did I stop having sex with my husband? It was no longer about intimacy and romance. It became divorced of anything remotely loving. He'd just grab me. Men would get a lot more sex if they took 5-10 minutes to be somewhat intimate about it.

Yes i agree ,with you ,Man actually need a course in love making and intimatcy and really how to please a women and put her orgasims first ,Instead of the bragging wham bam Thank you mam talk they do with there buddies and only thinking of them selves and there ego

@RoyMillar We are not mind readers.

@FrayedBear And yet men can use some common sense about their tactics. First, is the tactic working? Obviously not!

@ElusiveMoby []

I agree completely!

@FrayedBear What a great share! Thanks.


I have never had that experience. When my partner declined it wasn't a catastrophe or even hardly noticeable.

I agree.

@rsb97080 Ideally before it becomes chronic it would be addressed. However, most humans don't have a good track record for that.

@rsb97080 tell me about it

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