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Interesting changes for the younger generation (change is constant).

The Sex Recession Is Making Young Americans Unhappy - The Atlantic

BrentMBA2004 6 Sep 14
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This should come as no surprise to most of us on this sight, we are on a dating sight looking for a match, or that was what first brought us here. Great sex takes connections, connections make us happy, pretty simple.


Proven in 1962; As population density increases, any social population naturally loses interest in sex, there's more child neglect and abandonment, and there's more same-sex behavior...


BTW We're still growing (births minus deaths) at the rate of 158 more per minute, 227,000 more per day, 1 million every 5 days.


Robecology Level 9 Sep 15, 2019

wanting and sharing happy sex is non stressfull and desired I think ?

RoyMillar Level 9 Sep 15, 2019

I enjoy sex and I'm happy... I wasn't part of that research...


Of course, it's not just "young Americans" who are less happy and having less sex. The correlation goes all the way up the age range well past "middle age" and into the geriatric ages. Undeniable Fact: Americans of all ages are having less sex (than several decades ago). One salient observation: Many of the rules have changed.

Now, men are less motivated (or more reluctant) to approach a woman about sex. When a man expresses sexual interest in a woman these days, he is a lot more likely to experience an often unpredictable backlash. In the workplace it's often called harassment, and a guy can suffer badly because of it. The #MeToo movement scares a lot of men. An underlying resentment of woman has developed that some men might express privately among themselves such as: "If women are so goddamn proud and protective of their pussy, they can just keep it for all I care."

Speaking of backlash, I expect to get unfavorable comments for what I just wrote. But so be it. Gender resentment among men exists today more strongly than I remember from the past. In my opinion, we men are more prone to behaving badly because of sexual frustration. I'm not sure what we can do about it, but legalized prostitution might be one possible answer.

mischl Level 8 Sep 15, 2019

The problem with these men expressing an interest in sex is that they view the woman not as a person but as an object of sex... That's a big turnoff and if men treated a woman as a person first, they would make more progress... Just my opinion...

@Cutiebeauty that's really true. the asinine horny behavior of men is becoming less acceptable. It's a good thing, if you ask me, because the anti-abortion laws are becoming so ridiculous sex isn't worth it.

@Kojaksmom ...which also means you might want to support your favorite male feminist who also pushes for pro-choice.

@mischl I personally never vote for anybody that's not pro-choice.


Disaster in the making

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 15, 2019

If the survey asked young people if their views of their futures affected their happiness, the Atlantic article did not report on the results.

My deciding to have no children and to marry a woman who wanted no children were two of the best decisions I made. By sparing me a life like my father’s, those decisions GREATLY INCREASED my happiness. BTW, I’m 88 going on 89.

yvilletom Level 8 Sep 15, 2019

Reduced Sex makes Everyone Unhappy .

GEGR Level 7 Sep 14, 2019

not everyone... asexuals exist ya know! 😉

@demifeministgal Being asexual is one way to solve the problem. I know (only) one man who had himself castrated almost 20 years ago, and he'll tell anyone who asks that he's a much happier person now.

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