10 0

Intimacy is so individual that no one can describe it in one page. So I do not worry. I will start with sex and see here it will lead. I have a quite descriptive page and so far no one responded with a suggestion of further action, questions, leading to a meeting. Inless I find a way to change it I will leave this page. My time on this planet is short. Wasting it is not commanded by evolution. Have a great day, Jerry

69ArizonaJerry 5 Nov 10
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I'm sorry but i thought this was meant to be done in reverse? You get to know the woman, get close, earn her trust and respect and then comes the end game? Women don't just "open up to anybody. Heck, in ANY case, respect is earnt, not a given.

Glenn1989 Level 4 Nov 13, 2019

You can do it when 15. You do not want to get pregnant with a wrong person. When you are "up there" in age, you never know if you will be breathing the next morning and you have to forgo the preliminaries and dive into essentials. If you get along well sexually you can start exploring how to make the equation and keep it in equilibrium


Jerry; is English your first language?

BitFlipper Level 8 Nov 13, 2019

it is my 3rd language. Yes, my uncle always criticized that I forgot my family tongues and di not master English so I better learner to bark.


LOL you have been here two months, made less than 10 posts, and expect an instant connection and someone to reach out to you? This is not that kind of site.... you seem to be looking for fast results and would do better on a hookup site or other dating site like tindr.


Yeah, I think you’re definitely wasting time here.

Justjoni Level 8 Nov 11, 2019

Wow! In your wildest dreams, did you ever think you would be this popular? With that smooth charm of yours you can figure you will probably get laid here... never would be my guess. 🙂

Sticks48 Level 9 Nov 10, 2019

Your profile is not clearly written. Your comments are sometimes unclear or even rude. Maybe that's the problem.

Cabsmom Level 8 Nov 10, 2019

Me thinks this is not the site, or group, you are seeking.

Hazydays Level 7 Nov 10, 2019

Are we to understand that you are looking for sex, that may lead to intimacy and if that can not be found here you will leave the site? You have not been here long enough to have interacted with many people. May be better if you try another site.

GreatNani Level 8 Nov 10, 2019

I thought we already said goodbye. Was that an idle promise?

Sticks48 Level 9 Nov 10, 2019

Well, real intimacy takes time and patience, so if you're expecting it that quickly you're not going to get it that way. You're only level 4 and posted/commented only a few times? You've hardly made a dent. Most people here aren't into the instant relationship sort of thing (which IMO doesn't exist). Unless you're just looking for a hook-up, then maybe you're on the wrong site.

bleurowz Level 8 Nov 10, 2019

yeaa I agree if he is looking to hookup a bunch and hope to create a long term relationship that way, he may be choosing the wrong approach.... also making hardly any posts does not inspire many, if any, to reach out to him or start following his posts or whatever.

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