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Don't know whether to file this under Compliment or Insult: I'm in play and we have to share a dressing room (m/f/etc.). I'm picking out bits and pieces when the half my age actress comes in, stands next to me and starts stripping down to her delicates. Was she comfortable doing this because she believes I'm a man of honor and decency(I did turn my back and leave shortly thereafter) or I'm so old that I just do't register on her "It's a man" scale?

RonWilliam53 7 Dec 20
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Don't think it was about you at all . She had to be changed to go back on stage , this was the area she was given to change in , so she did it .

Cast1es Level 9 Dec 20, 2019

True, but asking for privacy was always an option.

@RonWilliam53 maybe asking for privacy would be be the greater embarassment


Maybe she’s just not a prude and doesn’t give two shits what ANYONE thinks. Each to their own.

Hazydays Level 7 Dec 20, 2019

She maybe testing you. You have to watch more than she just undressing. Does she look at you when she does it?

Women are known for teasing and not giving you anything to leave you starved and frustrated. They do it naturally. Men are direct, the are problem solvers.

St-Sinner Level 9 Dec 20, 2019

Nope,nope nope. Not even close. She's a great person but there'a less than zero chemistry or interest . On either side.

I see. Thanks.
In that case, use the act as an inspiration for life in general.


She was comfortable and needed to get dressed.


I would not take it as either a compliment nor an insult. I don't think it had anything to do with you. Some people are pretty casual about brief nudity when there's a purpose for it. I suspect that if you continue in theater you'll encounter these situations again.

BitFlipper Level 8 Dec 21, 2019

Your First play?
Most actors learn pretty quickly having hangups about their body is not conducive to quick costume changes.
Having to change with the opposite sex happens a lot in the theater world.

hippydog Level 8 Dec 20, 2019

Nope-but others in the past have ether had designated dressing rooms-last one had 4-two for adults and 2 for kids but even in others people tended to stay segregated or seek a private space.


It's a dressing room... Your presence is irrelevant...


Some young women are very comfortable with their bodies, and are pragmatic about a professional space...I wouldn’t take it as an insult, more like a compliment that you could be trusted.

Fleury Level 4 Jan 10, 2020

None of them, she's just pragmatic and open minded.

Merseyman1 Level 9 Dec 28, 2019

And in the end-I'm safe. had a nice conversation with her about Xmas while a bi cast member helped her dress.


In Italy and other parts of Europe it is not unusual for men and women to change in and out of swimwear righjt on the beach.


if you have to think about it that much it is your problem not hers....

blzjz Level 7 Dec 21, 2019

I don't think he ever implied it was her problem.

@KyleDavis maybe but many comments were not very well thought out... exhibitionist? where does that label come from....

@blzjz I've learned that when you ask for an A or B answer you often get as far as J,K, and L suggestions.


I'd say the first one, as she has probably been around you for some time, OR option C she is an exhibitionist and does not give a fck! XD

why exhibitionist? and just not give a fuck..?

@blzjz based on the limited info provided that is what I guessed.


Most likely an exhibitionist. When has age stopped a horny guy? She is IMO a "prick teaser" as well!

AnneWimsey Level 9 Dec 20, 2019

shame on you!!!!!


In Theatres this is normal like unisex washrooms, it is all about respecting ones space and relizing it is not about YOU ,Just older generation who have not really beome completly comfortable about nudity or semi nudity it bothers as they do not know how to react ,when it is simple you do not react and just go about doing your own thing like they are not there

RoyMillar Level 9 Dec 20, 2019


bobwjr Level 10 Dec 20, 2019

Every decade we age, we become invisible to another decade of women, unless you have a butt load of money. 🙂

Sticks48 Level 9 Feb 2, 2020

So true. I was just pondering this the other day. It first hit home about 20 years ago when I was in a grocery check out line with my teenage son. Checkout girl didn't even acknowledge my existence,only had eyes for him-should have made him pay for the groceries.


Actors learn to be comfortable around other actors, like teammates in a locker room. This kind of story is typical in the world of theater, in particular. Don't read too much into it one way or the other.

Shawno1972 Level 7 Jan 22, 2020

Maybe she wanted you to "hit" on her? Who knows, some younger women are highly attracted to older men.

JustLuAnn Level 7 Dec 20, 2019

Nope. Zero attraction either way.

not likely.. I was in theatre for a while....privacy was rarely an issue... we had a job to do and changing costumes was part of it and lack of dressing room space required it... we were a team and sex was far from our minds during a hecktic back stage rush..


How about a little bit of both, and the fact she's an actress.

actresses are usually professional... why would her profession be an issue?


Another rehearsal and this time she left and found an empty hallway to change in when there were two younger guys (her age) in the room. Back to square one...

if someone was ogling I don't blame her...


After many years as a nudist, I've learned at a very deep level that nudity is not sexuality, and vice versa. In fact, sometimes nudity can put up a slight barrier when you're interested in getting to know somebody better. But not always.

mischl Level 8 Dec 20, 2019
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