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I was born in Iowa, and have lived in and around Southeast Iowa a large chunk of my life. Excepting an 18 year stint in and around Sioux City... still Iowa, but not like anything I had ever known before! (I did a lot of my growing up in central Illinois) They said I talk funny. After I returned to Keokuk 18 years later, they said I talked funny! I have learned there are two Iowas.... The southeast corner... and all the rest of it. I'm back in Keokuk now, where the line between Iowa and Missouri is very blurry. My sister lives in Missouri, and lives north of me. That said, what do you fellow Iowans find is the major block to finding like minded people, be that just to talk with, or for more, such as dating? One obvious stumbling block I notice is simply a lack of population. Fewer people to choose from. However, I think the reason I find few people who think somewhat like me is deeper than just raw numbers. I think it's cultural also. For example, some folks think I'm a snowflake. (Not really, but whatever) A bleeding liberal. While many around here consider themselves 'conservative'... and vote straight party lines, as long as that party is Republican. That is a bar. I can't have a meaningful conversation with someone when the very premise they base beliefs on is so antithetical to my own. Second amendment rights are strongly supported, (Which I agree with) while Reproductive control for women is staunchly opposed.(Which I support) Almost every one I meet will claim some religious affiliation, even if they have never set foot in a church. There is little in the way of the arts or culture type stuff. I've been made fun of for going to the library rather than getting s**t faced in a bar, spending too much and acting a fool. I don't dance, I don't drink beer and I don't give a damn who is winning in the MLB. In Sioux City, there was the theater, orchestra and such... Not that I'm really big into those either... but there is nothing like that here. At least in the Sioux City area, I could be active in hobbies I enjoy. And there were various attractions and events going on all the time. So why don't I just go back to Sioux City? I ask myself that same question every so often. I have literally no family up there... it was all in-laws. They nearly all sided with my ex. (I was/am the most horrible, {insert insult here}, ever, because I 'took' the kids away from her) So I have little to call me back. I could move to a more progressive place, maybe Quincy, Ill. and that may be a choice in the future. For now, two of my daughters are in this town... And they both still need a little help here and there. (age 21 and 18) And even though I didn't grow up around here, never went to school here... I do have some other family ties here as well. I'm not opposed to moving away some day. Just not today. So, what is a freethinking Iowan to do? I've been alone since late 2009... In late 2010, I was given full custody of my three daughters, (11, 13, & 15 years old at the time) and that occupied my time and energies until recently. It's been 25 years since I had a real 'date' with someone new... To say I am a bit rusty would be an understatement. . How do people like us handle this?

Junkman 5 Aug 18
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It is beautiful county down where you are! I have been though twice on my way to Memphis. Fabulous hills and some great wine in that part of the world!
What is in Quincy that holds your attention? It looks like it is only 30 to 45 min away.

Donna_I Level 8 Aug 18, 2018

Recent Visitors 8


Posted by CliffordCookJust before the movie Civil War came out in cinemas, Trump supporter ([iowafaithleadercoalition.

Posted by CliffordCookI lived in Iowa years ago, but remember the caucus season well.

Posted by Donna_IRandom Ramble.

Posted by FrostyJimI visited the Turkey River and remember this old Mill - many cool sights here... and a great magazine too! []

Posted by FrostyJimI came up to Alaska from Coralville, IA in 1991 for a summer job .

Posted by Donna_IGeneral question. Do you have a favorite Iowa food? Casey's breakfast pizza, pork tenderloin, maidrites, etc... Mine is taco pizza. I hadn't realized it (theoretically any way) began in Iowa.

Posted by Donna_IHello fellow Iowans! I am the new host for this page and I am looking for suggestions for a more vibrant page! Please let me know your thoughts.

Posted by Donna_IWhat are the best fall things to do in Iowa?

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