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Hard to believe?

Killtheskyfairy 9 Nov 27
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It's an amazement, all right! Imagine taking your grandmother on a tour of your home....microwave? Air fryer? Washer/dryer? Convection oven? favorite....a robot vacuum!

LucyLoohoo Level 9 Nov 27, 2021

I think my iPhone would blow the grandparents collective minds. Wireless, take it anywhere, make calls, send messages, get info, directions, take pictures and video, calculator, timer, clock, ask Siri, play music and watch movies.

@Killtheskyfairy Or any math teachers from the 70-90s who always said you won't always have a calculator with you

@Killtheskyfairy RIGHT! And ZOOM.....

@glennlab RIGHT--of course, I still don't need algebra! Or all those damned theorums in geometry's book of tortures!

@LucyLoohoo I had to use algebra and calculus for most of my professional career, I still have my sliderule, though I forget how to use it, but I always had a calculator or two handy. Early in my career, I had to lock up the calculator when I left the office so that people from outside the office would not walk off with it. At the end of my career, I had 4 different calculators depending on what I was doing.

@glennlab I can think of dozens of ways to express a single thought but...there's only one answer to a simple math problem. BORRRRRRRRINNNNNGGGG! Something in my brain just shuts right down when math is involved. Essentially....I hate it. What on earth did you do that required algebra and calculus?

@LucyLoohoo Logistics planner, production manager for a newspaper with 400 editions per week,and accountant. At the newspaper my boss didn't understand calsulus so he expected complex calculations to take hours if not days, I normally had them out in a few minutes, but held onto them for a couple of hours so he would thinkl I had struggled to get the answers.

@glennlab CRAFTY FOX! (Worth all those hours in class, right?)

@LucyLoohoo you bet

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