4 15

The kid in the backgound tho!

Emme 7 Jan 22
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I don't even want to know... seriously no.


cards against humanity is the best game out there. I love to play it after everyone has had an edible (or two)

joeandbarb Level 7 Jan 23, 2023

I get jelly of 420erz,can't smoke, allergic to the chemical reaction going on in the smoke process but never gave a thought to edibles. I have used it as a spice & can tolerate that physically. Hmm. 🤔

@Emme I'd let you try some of my home made ones if you lived close. I make canna cookies, brownies, pizza and I have a killer recipe for canna mocha ice cream

@joeandbarb why thank you. Your recipies sound delicious! My only experience is fresh,leaves used as flavoring with eggs, which was indeed delicious. Its got a rich herbacious flavor.

@Emme I am lucky enough to have friends that got a cannabis cook book for me a couple of years ago called "Bong Appetite" It has just about all you need to know about infusing food products which has led me down the path of making many and now I need to go on a diet

@joeandbarb freaking awesome! 🤩


Shouldn't that be masturbate "with"?

FrayedBear Level 9 Jan 22, 2023

or "into"

@joeandbarb now that what I call sensitivity unless the ashes are mainly bones - whoa still doesn't make sense - we are talking of Grandma not grandpa with her ashes!

@FrayedBear Maybe Grandma is a squirter

@joeandbarb pissing on granddad's ashes starts to make sense.


And just exactly what WAS that meeting's subject???

pamagain Level 8 Jan 22, 2023

cards against humanity

@glennlab it's hilarious that grandma is playing & even more how wrong she put those cards together!
The background kid looks like he's gonna hurl. 🤣

@glennlab OBVIOUSLY...I'm NOT cool! But it looks FUN!

@pamagain it is fun. Winner puts together cards in the most wrong way possible. Grandma has age & treachery on her side! I'm thinking she's winning all the time. 🤣🤣🤣

@Emme Where do you find this game? In a way, it reminds me of Balderdash...put together the most unlikely tale possible and convince people it's true.

@pamagain here you go. It IS fun.
Enjoy. 🤗

@Emme Thanks!

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