7 9

And more than once because the first time around wasn't good enough.

mistymoon77 9 June 10
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Looking back at some of thekids I knew the only reason they didn't eat Tide pods, is because they didn't exist, and they didn't snort condoms because they were too stupid to buy them.

They did light farts, nearly blow themselves up with acetylene filled garbage bags, almost lose fingers to M80s, shoot each other with pellet guns, drink and drive, and one guy snorted sand on a dare.

Yeah, keep telling yourselves that kids weren't that stupid back in the day. πŸ˜‰

And for the record, I never did any of that shit personally.

JimG Level 8 June 11, 2018

I remember getting drunk off of men’s after shave.
How is that different from tide pods


Gone are the good days when teenagers just went to the hospital for alcohol poisoning.

Peakbagger Level 3 June 10, 2018

What about night train?

LEPeff Level 8 June 10, 2018

Never tried that but heard it was some nasty shit.


Damn right! If you killed a pint of Orange Jubilee you'd see vapor trails when people walked by. Js.

Electro68 Level 7 June 10, 2018

We drank everything alcoholic in sight (well, not mouthwash) and snorted a dump truck full of Colombian Marching Powder.



And Boone's Farm, too. Can't forget the Boone's Farm!!!!

KKGator Level 9 June 10, 2018

Steppin Out, Mellow Days, Easy Nights, oh hell ya.. those were the days.

That's right!

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