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Not a coffee drinker

Science-guy 8 Oct 10
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CAn you please find something witty to post instead of this mysoginist bullshit. I'm tired of seeing it. Is this your daughter you're showing off.

It was my impression that the moderators of this group were comfortable with a wide variety of memes including off colour “humour”. My daughter had nothing to do with my post, nor does she have knowledge of it.

@Science-guy you're school boy humour is the reason why people see no problem voting for a mysogynist world leader who makes comments like 'grab 'em by the pussy'. Here's an idea, why don't you send the meme to your daughter and ask her if it makes her feel uncomfortable.

@MsDemeanour actually my daughter would laugh because she understands humour. Humour is one of those things that everyone views differently. Clearly we disagree and I support your view. It’s just not mine.

@Science-guy Make no mistake, I have a good (if dark sense of humour). But I do agree we all find different things to laugh at. I would've found the tag mildly amusing if it had been a cartoon caricature rather than the pornographic pic. I've decided that rather than making a song and dance about yours and others that post things that I find objectionable, I will simply put you on block. I should've thought of it before. I'm sure this isn't the sum of you and that you are a good and decent man and I regret not being able to see your other posts. Hope you find love and happiness.

@MsDemeanour choices,,,

@Science-guy I don't mind it at all, just saw it on my feed 3 times in 2 day's, is all!


I love sunshine and find it does me better than coffee

zorialoki Level 8 Oct 10, 2018

I tried that at work....was given a lifetime supply of Nespresso capsules to stop....

RPardoe Level 7 Oct 10, 2018

Third time I have seen this meme this week! Lol

I know right?

@Umbral lol!!! Change it up this is getting boring!

@MichelleGar1 how jaded are we then? ???

@Umbral very! Lol!!

@Jonado I guess as long as it's a nude woman they won't get bored of it! Lol

@Jonado oh and that too! Lol

@Shelton enjoy it because you're going to see it another 10 times by tomorrow! Lol

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