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what a good morning

steve148 7 Oct 24
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If the news media is telling the truth, unemployment is down. My taxes have been reduced, I'm bringing home more money. If what the media states is true, why are people having issues with Trump. BTW, I voted for Gary Johnson.

It's the same as if you voted for Trump

@steve148 why not Hillary? I don't understand how a 3rd party vote is said to give a vote to one but not the other. That never made sense to me

@RobertMartin It's because reality dictates that a 3rd party vote splits the blue vote. We're on a 2 party system (I don't agree with it) but it's reality. You helped elect Trump. Now live with it.

@steve148 that still doesn't make sense. It splits the blue vote every time but never the red. I don't understand.

@RobertMartin I can't help it if you don't get it. I just hope you learn from your mistake. With your thinking we could get Trump for a 2nd term or even Pence. Wake up

@steve148 do you think we would have been better off with Hillary as president? We would still be paying higher taxes and getting nothing in return. At least now I pay less taxes, bring home more money and still get nothing in return.

@RobertMartin Yes much better off. And why do you think your paying less taxes. It dosen't start till 2019. So you don't know what your talking about. All they're doing now is taking less out of your paycheck. You'll pay it back t tax time. The tax cut goes to the 1% of the wealthiest. Listening to you confirms that your a fool.

@steve148 so tell me, how have you personally benefited from being a Democrat? I'm just curious as to what you get. If I were to become a Democrat, what would I get and how do I go about getting it?.

@RobertMartin Going blue will put a check on Trump. Will lower the deficit. Restore human decency. Protect the planet. Stop redistributing the wealth of this country to the top 1% while denying services to those in need. Stop ripping children from the arms of their parents. Stop bolstering dictators around the world. You migt get qan adult for president who reads. I can go on, but I doubt your capable of understanding.

@steve148 let's see x 8 years of Clinton, still a deficit. 8 years of Obama.still a deficit. Higher taxes is not going to
lower the deficit.the past proves it.
The only children getting "ripped" away from their parents are illegals. It's funny 20 years ago, Clinton made a speech regarding illegal immigration and how it needs to be stopped. All of Congress applauded him. Now Trump takes about the same thing and Democrats lose their minds . Am I the only one seeing the hypocrisy here?

@RobertMartin You must be a moron to say that. Clinton left a surplus. Bush blew it, Obama took us out of a recession and lowered the deficit. Trump raised the deficit. to give his billionaire friends a windfall. Try checking facts that don't come from Fox news.

@steve148 I don't watch fox news. I don't even have cable. I'm not letting myself get ripped off like that

@RobertMartin BTW: Their were people trying to legally applying for asylum who's children were taken from them. Get a clue

@steve148 then why were the children taken away if these foreigners were supposedly trying to come here legally?

@RobertMartin Because Trump dosen't want people of color in the country. He thinks it's a deterrent. Don't you read?

@steve148 for a change we actually have a president that puts America and Americans first. All foreigners must take a backseat to us. We gotta fix our problems before worrying about refugees or people wanting asylum. America first!

@RobertMartin Your a fool. Just another Trump sucker

The same for homeless veterans.
Americans first.


Well, that escalated quickly!


Luv it!

Fuck Trump

Kojaksmom Level 8 Oct 24, 2018

Awwww you urinated all over a very lovely picture ?


Mornin' !

Fuck Trump

Umbral Level 8 Oct 24, 2018
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