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For all you poor bastards that live where this abomination falls from the sky.

glennlab 10 Nov 25
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It's all shit and giggles until the heater breaks down and that happens (of course) when temps reach world wide record low !!!!! (Yeah happened to me last winter when we where at -15F... Not a typo, fifteen below Fahrenheit) Had to use every blanket and towels to cover all windows and let the fire place keep the house temp bearly above disaster. Good memories !!!!! (Why haven't move to Florida? ... I like living on the edge I guess)

IamNobody Level 8 Nov 27, 2018

I call it life. But i love summer.

Livinlife Level 9 Nov 26, 2018

I love it, but only of I just have to look at it, driving, trying to stay warm, not so much.


I LOVE THIS....... ...........picture?


Yep snowed here last night. S.N.O.W. Shit No One Wants.


Fuck this shit! (But secretly, we all love it. Lol)

SukiSue Level 8 Nov 25, 2018

I like to visit it, but living in it was tough. Now that i have arthritis, I find that my tolerance for it is a lot less. Getting old is hell, but it beats the alternative.


Not yet, but soon this shit will be happening.. Makes you appreciate summer all the more.

From the land of the frozen north, Years ago i had to fly to Minneapolis in Feb, the weather was warmer and better than it was in Dallas when I left.


I can't stand the hot and sticky months of the south. There is no relief from that. In the north you can dress up for the cold weather.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Nov 25, 2018

Dallas is not so much sticky as brutally hot, but I like to travel, so i get away from weather I don't like when I can. Ice and snow make that difficult.


That's right. Fuck this

Rudy1962 Level 9 Nov 25, 2018
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