9 15

@phxbillcee has gone missing from our ranks.

If anyone has information that he might have gone out of town and not told anyone - please drop a note or PM me please?

I've made the obligatory call and it went directly to voice mail. As did others

Did the FB post as well.

Anyone willing to send out the Atheist cry of "Universe do NOT be fucking with my friend" would be really appreciated.

RavenCT 9 Dec 4
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Update I sent out more FB messages tonight as no response to phone calls. Hoping for response from a sibling.

Will update if I hear anything.

RavenCT Level 9 Dec 4, 2018

I was just thinking about him too.. not seeing any posts or his witty humor anywhere on here for a few days now. Hope his mother is ok and him as well.


He is cool. I hope he is okay.


I noticed he wasn't around and thought he was either busy or taking a break. Thanks for putting this message here. I hope that he returns soon.

Mofferatu Level 7 Dec 4, 2018

He'll show up. Have you tried checking the dumpster out back? He liked to take a nap in there.

Joke's aside, I hope he's okay.

He's one of the few people I'd go dumpster diving for. 😉

@RavenCT same.


Oh no that's horrible news

Kojaksmom Level 8 Dec 4, 2018

Oh no! I absolutely hate when this happens! Please keep us all posted. I hope he just got caught up in family holiday gatherings.

SukiSue Level 8 Dec 4, 2018

Damn, I didn't even realize I haven't heard from him in nearly two weeks.
I'll be sure to let y'all know if I hear anything from him.

KKGator Level 9 Dec 4, 2018

Nov. 29th. was his last post here.

I noticed yesterday. I felt like a schmuck too. But we know people have stuff come up. Real life and all that.


I have no personal info ... Maybe taking a break ?

Hopefully he is taking a break! Hope that he is okay! I PM'd him, no response yet!

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