Non Religious Science teachers -any age

To discuss the problems and successes of teaching science in any country. Particularly teaching science method or making science fun and personally rewarding. You do not have to have been employed as a science teacher only want to improve everyone’s science education.


To discuss the problems and successes of teaching science in any country. Particularly teaching science method or making science fun and personally rewarding. You do not have to have been employed as a science teacher only want to improve everyone’s science education.


Most Liked Posts By Mcflewster (94) (Page 2 / 5) Posts by anyone

Shared from Health & Happiness
Sep 2, 2020Sep 2020

Posted by Mcflewster
Just a reminder
Shared from Family & Parenting
Dec 18, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by Mcflewster
Lots of science here for your amusement / Craft making for gifts / magic parties with the family Happy Xmas David PS Do it all safely and do not ask me how to cool water to -18 C
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
Dec 24, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by Mcflewster
All I want for Christmas Is .......... ................. a reply to any one of my posts to you over the years New Year will do ! PS My present to you is in previous post Have a happy and safe one !
1 comment
Shared from Silly, Random & Fun
Jan 12, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by Mcflewster
Is this why I got no answers to my last post? . I do know my questioning is wrong Science is Not for Our Kind Science is a staid professor with wild hair In an unkempt white lab coat stained with grease From a hamburger he ate without tasting ...
Shared from Health & Happiness
Jul 21, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by Mcflewster
Can we limit freedom because of Covid-19? I think Popper gave his answer to the question here: “ The whole objection that it is hard to know where freedom ends and crime begins is answered, in principle, by the famous story of the hooligan who ...
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
Jan 27, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by Mcflewster
I will let this book speak for itself
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
Mar 17, 2021Mar 2021

Posted by Mcflewster
Rene Descartes (1596-1650) proposed that we question, doubt and be skeptical about everything on the basis of scientific method. "Only by doubt, questioning and examining the facts can we come to know the truth" It was Descartes also who said " ...
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
May 22, 2021May 2021

Posted by Mcflewster
In case you missed it amongst other posts
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
May 29, 2020May 2020

Posted by Mcflewster
EXPLORING (i.e doing SCIENCE) OUTSIDE the school or laboratory. Including ideas about the covid-19
1 comment
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
May 27, 2021May 2021

Posted by Mcflewster
> Whilst I am developing my own much longer version and for those who have no patience here is an updated, experimental "pocket introduction to SCIENCE" . It requires no thinking since it was developed by the Police in Manchester UK, when a very sad ...
1 comment
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
Nov 10, 2021Nov 2021

Posted by Mcflewster
The best kind os science is contained within the site below
1 comment
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
Feb 21, 2022Feb 2022

Posted by Mcflewster
Is science teaching going backwards? Time does not matter in this story, but I think it was the 1970s. I was a young impressionable chemistry teacher still trying to search out my potential on the promotion ladder. One ...
Shared from Philosophy & Meaning
Feb 23, 2022Feb 2022

Posted by Mcflewster
Please try to follow the revamping of my HUMANISTS4SCIENCE Facebook page which may take six months to find a new OWNER and more admin help. Also a Facebook story that I have written. HUMANISTS4SCIENCE is a non prophet making organisation .
1 comment
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
Mar 6, 2022Mar 2022

Posted by Mcflewster
This list is meant to be "The Golden Rules of Scientific Method" Have they missed any rule out in your opinion? Do you disagree with any of them that are in the list below ? 1. Thou shalt base thy conclusion on evidence 2. Thou shalt measure ...
1 comment
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
Mar 26, 2020Mar 2020

Posted by Mcflewster
I well remember my first lessons in SURFACE DECONTAMINATIONS EXPERIENCES which is what everybody needs to know in this virus crisis. It means how you wipe all those nasties away regularly to keep your family safe. Of the two contaminants one was...
1 comment
Shared from Health & Happiness
Mar 18, 2020Mar 2020

Posted by Mcflewster
"Let him find out that the egg breaks!"
1 comment
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
Jul 11, 2022Jul 2022

Posted by Mcflewster
LINKBeau Lotto + Amy O'Toole: Science is for everyone, kids included | TED Talk
1 comment
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
Oct 7, 2022Oct 2022

Posted by Mcflewster

The criteria required for an individual to participate in 
 SCIENCE & GAME PLAYING ARE THE SAME !!!! celebrate uncertainty

 adapt to change Open to Possibility 

 Cooperative ...
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
Jun 24Jun 24

Posted by Mcfluwster
A CHALLENGE For fun Would someone like to re-arrange this image from elsewhere in this forum into " A periodic table of Berries in the USA"?? I have known harder challenges. Just say how you would do it IF you cannot be bothered to try it out in ...
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
Nov 8, 2019Nov 2019

Posted by Mcflewster
This is an appeal for graphic help by way of memes for campaigning. The original or copied words alone would be helpful and I could get someone else to help with the graphics. This is an example of what I am talking about
1 comment
Shared from Philosophy & Meaning
Dec 1, 2018Dec 2018

Posted by Mcflewster
How do you see the future of science education? The current UK government’s curriculum, which they suggest is a radical change in science education, does not teach children anything about what science really is. They mistakenly think the object...
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
Jan 18, 2019Jan 2019

Posted by Robecology
Saw this banner at the L.A. teacher's strike. Can anyone fact check it?
Shared from General & Hellos
Jan 23, 2019Jan 2019

Posted by Mcflewster
I strongly believe that to get the best output from anyone of any age they should Please give us your views and experiences of using such a phrase
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
May 21May 21

Posted by Mcfluwster
OBSERVATIONS ON VIEWING A BURNING CANDLE. HOW GOOD AN OBSERVER ARE YOU? Within the last few months I set a challenge to look carefully at a simple single burning candle ...
May 23May 23

Posted by Mcfluwster
This video is the best statement of science as a set to recylable processes that I have ever seen. It speaks my language but does it more graphically and better than I could ever have done. I hope that it will add to my efforts to get science method ...

Photos 22 More

Posted by McfluwsterA CHALLENGE For fun Would someone like to re-arrange this image from elsewhere in this forum into " A periodic table of Berries in the USA"?

Posted by McfluwsterMy new year's gift to promoite the best creative science and hence improve the rest of your life, but you have to engage with these sentences to get their ...

Posted by McfluwsterThis is the way to imrove your life through science education of YOURSELF.

Posted by McflewsterSeveral ways of encouraging science that works .

Posted by McflewsterHow many of you have had this kind of experience on Christmas or any other day?

Posted by McflewsterIs this true? Were you experimentally dangerous when young?

Posted by McflewsterA comment posted from a discussion on this site by Hank This is just for you! It is an experimental layout and sequences of scientific method.

Posted by Mcflewster COMPARING THE EFFICIENCY OF FACE MASKS The N95 is different with and without a valve It does not protect other people because it lets out unfiltered air.

Posted by McflewsterJust a reminder

Posted by McflewsterHelpful and really interesting on covid transmission risk in different indoor/outdoor situations.

Posted by McflewsterI am at this instant attending the American Humanist conference Wish I had thought of this name first (below) [] []

Posted by McflewsterTo see the way ahead on your journey []

Posted by McflewsterHow science leads to Humanism [] []

Posted by McflewsterLast night I watched a video presentation introducing me to the work of Ask For Evidence.

Posted by McflewsterLast night I watched a video presentation introducing me to the work of Ask For Evidence.

Posted by McflewsterPlease help me to convince people that COMMON SENSE IS NOT THE SAME THING AS SCIENCE.

  • Top tags#video #teacher #teachers #scientific #religious #religion #world #children #hope #agnostic #schools #society #evidence #friends #truth #teach #theories #god #DonaldTrump #TheTruth #Exercise #discovery #money #belief #atheism #Humanist #faith #reason #university #magic #Catholic #Freespeech #Atheist #Police #kids #humans #Present #Christmas #parents #laws #USA #church #sex #humanity #evolution #Hobbies #Christian #violence #birth #BBC ...

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