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In one of my local Facebook groups, someone asked what to say on the phone to a scammer. Here are some of the more creative replies:

  1. "...told them before you go on you need to understand that this line is being monitored or recorded and traced by the Salem Police Fraud Division and they hung up and never called back"
  2. "Answer in an insane tone saying 'you said you needed to see Karen’s dead body before payment & I sent you the pic, PAY UP!' ”
  3. "Tell them you're the FBI and you're tracking their calls"
  4. "Blow a whistle into the phone!!!"

Can you think of any other amusing answers?

thislife 7 Mar 12
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I really like #2 . I live in the woods and buy just about everything online, which means my number and email get sold to every marketing list on the planet. I get usually at least a dozen junk calls a day so I never answer if I don't recognize who it is.... although with that #2... I'm tempted to start picking it up 😁

wolf041 Level 7 Apr 1, 2020

Pretend like I'm their life coach and I'm trying to convince them to seek other career options.
"How does it make you feel when your supervisor gets angry about your weekly numbers? You really don't need that kind of stress in your life. I'm sure you have many skills and talents that would net you better returns elsewhere, without constant pressure to sell a product that, let's be honest, you don't really believe in anyway."
If you can talk them into quitting their job, you do lots of people a big favor downstream.

JimBen Level 5 Mar 13, 2020

My parents' friend (a retiree) got a call from those scammers a few years ago who said they were with "Windows" ("You mean Microsoft?" "No, Windows" ). He played along with the scammer for like half an hour acting like he didn't know how to use a computer and having the scammer guide him through absolutely every step of the process, then finally just told the guy, "Buddy, I don't even have a computer." The scammer indignantly asked why the retiree was wasting his time, to which the retiree fired back, "Why are you wasting people's time?" The scammer hung up.

Janus819 Level 7 Mar 13, 2020

I don't answer calls I don't recognize. Leave a message. If I DO accidentally pick it up, I HANG UP as soon as I know it's BS. And I ALWAYS BLOCK any of the above numbers. CAn't leave a message? BLOCK!

Daco2007 Level 7 Mar 13, 2020

I also have cell only and do not answer if number is unrecognized.

I also would not loose rage on a poor wage slave who is doing the best they can at the moment to get by.


ask them for there bank details


If I could do something like this without cracking up:

resserts Level 8 Mar 12, 2020

I could never, lol.


I stopped answering any calls that come in that aren't saved in my phone. That's at least 5-6 calls a day I don't have to do anything like 1-4 above.

Robecology Level 9 Mar 12, 2020

I have a B and B with my phone number on the Internet so I don't have that option. My phone is able to identify some of the scam calls which I just immediately block without answering. Since I recently bought a newer car, I have received about 5 calls a day trying to sell me an extended warrenty. They get the hello good bye block.

@Lorajay Good for you!
Another suggestion; Have a business line, and a private line.

Let the business line go to voicemail...very few scammers/telemarketers will wait for a recorded message; but customers will.

Keep the recording short...don't ramble on or you'll lose potentials.

Good luck


I say hello good bye and block them. It's not the workers fault they're probably starving in some 3rd world country.

Lorajay Level 9 Mar 12, 2020

That's a great way to deal with them. I am specifically thinking of scammers asking for SS numbers, etc., so I don't know if the callers are really innocent.

@thislife They are just worker bees too. Those are the one I practice my cussing and yelling at. I always press 1 and talk to a person instead of the recording. I made 1 cry the other day. Most of them usually just hang up on me though.

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