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What is a sign that makes you strongly believe your partner is visiting? Not sure if there are many believers but I am one.

Mine is the Cardinal eating from my bird feeder//butterfly and dragonflies.

Rose2U 7 Aug 1
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I have recently seen photos I have not seen before. There have been other coincidences but since I don't believe in magic I feel these are just my noticing things I would have otherwise missed.


Well, here's my story. My wife partook of the herb a lot early in her life and not so much the past 20 years. One day as I was passing through the mud room I smelled the distinctive aroma of pot. It did not sink in what was going on. By the way there is none in the house. Happened again and still i was oblivious as to what was going on. The third time I came home late on a friday night and as I walked in the front door I walked into a cloud of it. No mistaking what the aroma was. So I finally "got" it. this was her message that she was ok and at peace and after that so was I. It happened twice more and then she moved on.


A Red Admiral butterfly and finding hearts, stones shaped like hearts at appropriate moments


We strongly wish they would visit but seeing signs is just make believe. Signs can be interpreted any way you want.


Where are they visiting from?

ugly Level 7 Aug 1, 2018

I had read of "visits" by departed, and one item mentioned, was their day, my wife's favorite perfume wafted thru the kitchen, I smiled and said, hello...then it dawned on me it was the new garbage bag and its very pleasant odor....<3


Signs. So many work for me. The usual butterflies, dragonflies and birds are nice. Clouds hiding the moonlight. A general ‘feeling’ they are present and I see number patterns...a LOT ?

Hazydays Level 7 Aug 1, 2018

@Hazydays yes number patterns mine is 222

@psycheworks omg, my numbers are constant. whenever I look at the clock its 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, get the idea. I see these on average about 5 times a day. At first I thought I needed to be admitted somewhere, but as time has gone on I find it comforting and its my sign that he's saying Hi. He would see these patterns too and we would always joke about it when he was alive so for me, and knowing his sense of humor, its easy to take the phenomenon as his 'sign',
It has helped me tremendously through my grief journey.

@Hazydays there's very sweet story to the 222 I didn't have the emotional energy to tell it the other day however today I feel different. My friend had a baby brother, when baby brother was a toddler and he couldn't say words properly if his big brother said to him I love you, the baby would stretch out his arms wide and say too tee too tee too instead of I love you. Jock heard me tell this story to someone and started doing the arms wide and saying the same thing it then became our thing to say two two two in place of I love you, followed by a hug of course 🙂

@psycheworks awww that’s so sweet. Cherish those moments. No one can take those away. ❤️


You mean, like the ghost or reincarnation of a deceased human? I just wanted to be sure before I answered.

GuyKeith Level 8 Aug 1, 2018

No not a ghost. It's spiritual. Seeing or smelling something that makes you feel closer.

@Rose2U OK, certain things or sounds or smells can trigger memories, but there is no evidence of any deceased human being leaving any sort of a sign. It is just confirmation bias on your part. If it brings you comfort or good feelings, that is OK. If you think it is something more, this could be a problem...or not, just depending on how you perceive it. Deceased spouses and loved ones are dead and are not returning in any form or fashion. If I thought I could see my wife again, I would believe in all sorts of things, but I know that is just wishful thinking.

@GuyKeith I know this site has many believing differently but I am not looking FOR him just for signs that remind me of him mostly and in my mind if it's a spirit (not a ghost) that I feel close then so be it.

@Rose2U Then you should be fine. Many of us have lost precious spouses and loved ones and we have to deal with it the best we can.

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