10 6

EVERYTHING's changing!!!

I've been widowed since 2006, raising two kids to their majority. So, my nest is empty for the first time since my marriage, 30 years ago. With a house full of pets, I have been doing ok with it.

Meanwhile, I've been saving for an early retirement, becoming eligible on my 55th birthday this coming May. My employer just eliminated my position due to downsizing. So, I get the benefit of no longer working minus the medical coverage! Couldn't they have waited? (apparently not).

While this does not necessarily have to be the end of the world for me, I am getting tired of circumstance not consulting me before f-ing around with my life!!!

Anyone else?

Zster 8 Nov 10
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"Downsizing" is always the excuse for terminating dedicated employees in the vicious, vile, and venomous business world. Slap you in the unemployment line and you wait 6-8 weeks for an unemployment check, if your case is "approved." Delightful.
WJK-Floral City, FL

cobras Level 3 Nov 15, 2018

sounds like you did some planning. smart thing to do. you now have seen circumstances that can help you navigate tthe future. good luck.

TheDoubter Level 9 Nov 10, 2018

Thanks! (:


Do I understand correctly you will be losing your health care? You will need health care more and more as time goes by. Can you get a new job for a couple of years that will let you keep membership in their health care group after retirement from a the new job?

dare2dream Level 7 Nov 10, 2018

I know. I also have a child who sees a lot of doctors and I need to cover her for five more years. I have a few options through some memberships that I have. Also, my state is hopefully setting something up with BCBS for sole proprietors, so I could qualify, possibly also insuring my daughter if she works some for me.


That is incredibly tough for you....commiserations. I presume you are looking for another position, and hope you get something else soon. I retired in 2010 at age 65 but my husband Peter unfortunately died later that same year, so our retirement plans never got put into effect. You have had a long time of being without your husband and have done a great job in raising your two children to adulthood on your own, well done. Good luck for your future whatever it holds.

I had hit targets for living expenses for retirement, so I can afford some risk and am thinking to try my own business. I am not sure that I have it in me to work for another boss or support a bunch of ladder scrabbling employees, again. If it fails, I am leaving this company in good standing and could go back in another role or apply elsewhere in either teaching or industry.

Hopefully, my numbers are right and I will only need more$ for luxuries rather than necessities.


We live in a country run by corporations who make these types of moves with no regard for their employees. I wonder if all the morons so dead set against unions finally realize why unions played such an important part in our country. I hope that wherever Reagan is,that is an afterlife filled with pain.?

Yep. Greed running amok. Zero heart.


Empty nester, laid off last year, lost 25 vacation days per year.... I've found another job really good but I've had to re-invent myself (New industry I don't know crap about it but they knew I would be willing to learn whatever and they have not been disappointed and I have been happy learning new stuff ). Medical stuff...oh well, I will kick the bucket with or without. Not loosing sleep over that.

IamNobody Level 8 Nov 10, 2018

Oh yeah! Under the new "mgmt", the ONLY people to actually LOSE vacation were those with 20+ years of time with the company. They took away all sick days, too, from everyone and quadrupled our medical premiums while increasing deductibles even more, all with less coverage in general. I might be better off out of there.

It seems to me that this greed machine is bankrupting the very customers that keep it fed. Time will tell...


Change is certain, whether we like it or not. I used to make plans, but, something always seemed to come along to gum it up. I have pretty much become a "seat of my pants" kind of person. I adjust & adapt daily. I have goals, but, just when it seems I am close to achieving them, I get kicked in the ass. Thats life! Adjust & adapt & go on. Funny, though, things always seem to work out.

Della Level 6 Nov 10, 2018

I am of similar mindset, a go with the flow type. The stringent corporate structure has been strangling e these past years. I might look back on this as my escape. (:

I mostly worry about insuring my kids now. And... my lame ego is all sorts of p-ssed off.


Drats! This makes me so angry! 30 years ago business owners used to look at us personally and help us with our situations. You deserved to make it to 55. but you sound like we have a positive attitude for accepting these nuances. You're planning well and doing all the right things! In the long run you'll be rewarded.

SukiSue Level 8 Nov 10, 2018

Change your circumstances

Anonbene Level 8 Nov 10, 2018

That's not as easy as it sounds. We're often limited to our education and Career Training.


Yes it is unless you say it isn't then it's not.

believe in serendipity. Too many coincidences happen and if you really pay attention to them, one thing leads to another!

@Anonbene I totally disagree. Which is why I picked a career that I could apply within any business as opposed to a training specialty that I could only do in one one particular place. But most people are not taught this as young adults. Luckily my father was a smart man. If you are a trained auto mechanic that losses a job, it's very hard to morph into being a finance manager. And that's not an opinion. When you're out of work it's tough to go to school and pay your bills. This is America. You know how it is. We shame people who don't have a steady income here. We also shame them when they're out of work. Even if it's just for a few weeks.

@Anonbene I do believe in serendipity but it doesn't rule your life or help you career-wise. That's all you. There is my conservative tendency. But I do think as a society we should be helping people who get bumped from their careers and are limited in their options go back to school and pay their bills at the same time. When it's all said and done they'll become a paying member of society again. That's never a bad thing.

Talking about serendipity, you should have read my bio

Oh, I am. Going to give sole proprietorship a try. I might be glad to be free of the corporate BS. (;


I also retired early, at 56. Does your company have some sort of retirement plan? I was able to get a cash out instead of the usual annuity. The lack of a decent national healthcare plan is a miserable sign for this country. At least there is the affordable care plan and now with democrats with some power it won't be gotten rid of. How do your kids feel about all this?

JackPedigo Level 9 Nov 10, 2018

ACA only gives my state one plan option and it is awful ($3000 monthly premium w $6000 deductible per person AND not accepted by most area providers), though a fallback if I need it. I have a few stones yet to turn as new offerings are coming online as those who are business savvy are starting to offer options.

My kids at ages18 and 21 don't seem too ruffled. I am not sure that they are mature enough yet to realize it could impact them! (;

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